2021 is the year of During Alighieri, better known as Dante. In fact, during this year the 700th anniversary of death of the Supreme Florentine Poet, known to the world for having written one of the most daring and read works of all time: the Divine Comedy.
Surely many of you know the Comedy, as a subject of study, but to be sure let's take a quick review. This poetic-allegorical composition, written in chained triplets of hendacasyllables, tells us about the long journey between Inferno, Purgatory e XNUMX. Paradiso of the Tuscan artist.
Remaining indifferent in front of a work of such beauty is nothing short of impossible, so much so as to involve even the world of video games. In fact, over the years, various titles have drawn on some aspects of Dante's best-known work.
Well, to celebrate this important anniversary in our own way, we have decided to talk to you about which titles, more or less recent, have decided to take inspiration from Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.
Dante's Inferno (2010)
Let's start our journey starting with the best known title. In fact, the video game developed in 2010 by visceral Games ed Electronic Arts is the first videogame experiment connected to the work of the Supreme Poet, obviously through some modifications useful to increase its playability.
The title in question presents us with a different Dante, in fact, it is a former Crusader who descends into the underworld in order to save his beloved Beatrice from the clutches of "Lo 'mperador del doloroso Regno", better known as Lucifer.
This hack 'n slash adventure (similar in many ways to Kratos' ones) available for PS3 e Xbox 360 will lead the hero with the cross carved on his chest to face his sins and rediscover painful memories, from his family's past to the misdeeds committed during the Third Crusade.
Again our hero is led by Virgilio (voiced by Gianluca Iacono), who through Dante's triplets illustrates groups and sinners, despite much of the work being entrusted to Scythe of Death and Divine Cross in our possession.
Beyond the video game it is possible to follow the adventures of this alternative Dante through the anime Dante's Inferno - An animated poem. The latter is currently available thanks to the Amazon Prime streaming platform.
Dante VR - The Gate of Hell (2020)
This video game made for the Virtual reality it is a beautiful example of how in Italy, if there is collaboration, interesting results are obtained. The project, born from the joint efforts of the start up Beyond the Gate, San Carlo College of Milan e The Dante Alighieri Society , allows users to experience the reality represented in the first canto of Hell.
The adventure presented within this educational title will take you through a digital version of the Dark forest and discover together with the Supreme Tuscan Poet the frightening and claustrophobic ravines of the same, up to the meeting with the three Fairs and the Roman poet Publio Virgilio Marone, better known as Virgil.
Unfortunately, the project does not allow us to continue the journey among vices, sinners and the blessed. We hope that one day this interesting idea will turn into a complete product.
Dante's Sinner Filter (2021)
If you too can not help but try a true hellish experience in the company of Dante, last year another title freely inspired by the universe created by the Florentine poet landed on mobile devices.
In this adventure with a decidedly retro charm, you will play as Dante, who returns to the Underworld with the aim of recovering some sinners who have escaped from the horrible judgment of Minos (quoted in Canto V of Hell).
This particular video game, divided into 33 levels, one dedicated to each circle of Hell, will lead you to capture the various damned by escaping. You got it right, since the protagonist is not used to violence, he will have to bring the damned back to their place by running here and there through the Underworld.
In case you want to download this interesting app, click here for the version iOS or here for that Android.

Bonus: Devil May Cry
Even if out of competition, we couldn't leave aside one of the first video games that spread Dante's name the most in the world. Although there are no great similarities to the Comedy of the Supreme Poet, it cannot be said that Capcom did not somehow take advantage of the poem. In fact, just think of the name of the protagonist (the same as the Tuscan artist) and his twin brother, Vergil.
In short, we will not cross the rounds of Hell and of Heavens of Heaven, but we are sure that by playing devil may cry (here the review of the last chapter) we will be the undisputed protagonists of a hellish experience. By carefully observing the history and dynamics of this successful hack 'n slash we can see that the development team has taken the trouble to create two very interesting characters, demolishing and inverting the characters of the poets from which they take their name.
We conclude this special dedicated to Dante, trying to wear the laurel and write verses in his own way.
We hope that you enjoyed our special, and that the reading of it brought you an adequate enjoyment.