The beginning of it all.
Version tested: Playstation 4
Eight years ago, it was released for Xbox 360 Star Ocean: The Last Hope, one of the latest JRPGs released for the Microsoft home console; seven months later, the International version will make its appearance on Playstation 3. Today, a year after the not too exciting Integrity and Faithlessness, Square Enix, in accord with Tri-Ace, re-releases The Last Hope in a revised version that takes the name of Star Ocean: The Last Hope - 4K and Full HD Remaster.
A new beginning.
This chapter is set in AD 2096, after a hypothetical World War III wreaked havoc on much of the planet and nearly extinguished humanity. The survivors, who have begun to live in underground cities, have come together in one great federation, which aims at the popular habitable planets to start a new civilization.
This is the beginning of the game. Instead, we will impersonate Edge Maverick and his team, grappling with the first reconnaissance mission beyond space. Over the course of the adventure more and more new members will join our team and it will therefore be possible to vary the battles more and more.
The plot is sometimes banal, but overall it is well told and the rhythm is well broken between narration and gameplay, without being too present in the game nor too absent.
A good remastered
Speaking of a purely technical aspect, it can be safely said that Star Ocean: The Last Hope does not come with a jaw-breaker technical sector, but - considering both the age of the title and the fact that it is a remaster and not a remake - that it does its duty and does not break the magic of the gameplay.
On the other hand, I found the possibility of being able to change graphic settings from the options menu, a function usually exclusive to PC games, very appreciated. In fact, thanks to this function we will be able to change Field of View, Blur, shadows, resolution, texture quality and some other filters. Note how the selectable resolutions are, in addition to Full HD and 4K, also 2K and HD Ready. For the other filters, on the other hand, the impact on the economy of the image is very high, however, at least with a normal PS4, the framerate is strongly affected.
Speaking of the framerate, these are basically set at a stable 60fps; however, weighing down the graphic filters, in some areas and in the most agitated situations it will suffer drops even up to 30fps, without ever falling below it. Ultimately, the game will still remain fluid.
The settings are really well cared for, each planet is artistically independent, both in terms of vegetation and in terms of population, as in each of them there are human-like species at a different evolutionary stage. For example, the planet Lemuris was imprinted on me, for its typically medieval / Nordic setting, which at times brought me back to Thedas, Skellige, Skyrim and other infinity of read works where I left my heart.
However, negative note regarding the characters: although it is an artistic choice, their faces are too expressionless, without any facial expression that reveals emotions and therefore makes them appear too fake.
We can handle this!
The game world is divided into macro areas, with within which, in addition to facing enemies, it will be possible to craft objects, open chests and solve environmental puzzles with the various skills that the protagonist will acquire throughout the story. In the villages it will also be possible to rest to recharge the team's HP and MP, save the game, buy equipment and reload skills.
The combat system looks like a fight in time in an isolated area every time you approach a mob. Based on the approach we will have "Surprise Attack", if we are hit from behind, which gives a sort of first blow to the opponents; “Preemptive strike”, which works in the same way as above but whose advantage is ours; "Ambush", when, after a battle, we will be attacked again by other random mobs.
The battle is huge. In addition to the classic attack entrusted to the Cross key it will be possible, with the right skill, to chain combos with the L2 and R2 keys at the cost of MP, scroll between team members with the L1 and R1 keys and jump with the O key. by pressing Triangle (Y), we will have a circular menu with an infinite number of options: from the personal Offensive, Defensive and Neutral Team setting, passing through the individual tactics - manually or automatically set - to end with the use of signs, which donate actual passive or active at the cost of some MP. It will also be possible to change party members during the battle, escape from it or consume items from the inventory. All this gives a wide breath to the gameplay and the technique to be used, favoring different types of approaches and satisfying every category of player.
Many hours of fun
The audio of the game is certainly not too strong a point, as in some situations it is too artificial and breaks the harmony and magic of the situation in which you find yourself. On the other hand, some music from the OST is beautiful and literally makes you stop the action in order to end up listening to that particular song.
Longevity is certainly the strong point of this title. In fact, in addition to the several hours to complete the plot, the title offers increasing difficulties with which to put your skills to the test. As if that were not enough, a menu for the bestiary and a menu for the combat challenges will be available within the game for each character.
If you decide to complete each of these, you will touch 400 hours of gameplay and even more, while if you only want to complete the main story and enjoy the title only once, only 30-40 hours will be enough.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - 4K and Full HD Remaster is a valid title, one of the few survivors of the old-school JRPG. Although it is anachronistic and melancholy to describe it like this, we must still accept that a 2009 production still holds up a comparison with much more recent titles, if at times it even does not win it, obviously excluding the graphics factor in itself.
At the price offered, just under € 20, it is certainly a good buy for those who want to experience an adventure without too many pretensions.
Finally, I remember that Star Ocean: The Last Hope - 4K and Full HD Remaster is available for Playstation 4 and PC.