News on the way for the toughest title of all time
Activision and From Software have released Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice patch 1.03, available from 3:00 this morning.
This update is intended to remedy some problems detected by users and other adjustments related to the balance of the game.
Here are the changes made:
- Improved efficiency and reduced cost (Spirit Emblems) of Lazulite's Sacred Fire, Charged Ax, Blazing Ax, and Lazulite Ax;
- Balancing of the following combat arts: Ashina's Cross, Floating Step, Deadly Extraction, Cloud Vortex Step, Dragon Flash, One Mind;
- Reduced the damage dealt by Senpou and High Monk Jump Kicks;
- Increased the release rate of Divine Confetti in Ashina Castle;
- Added new texts and tips in the home screens.
The following mechanics have also been balanced:
- Reduced the Burning Bull's vitality and posture bar;
- Anayama's information will be sold for a lesser amount;
- The Chained Ogre of Ashina Castle has red eyes;
- Fixed a bug that resulted in save data corruption on PC.
Are you still playing Sekrio: Shadows Die Twice? In case you need help, here are our great guides:
- 5 tricks to survive;
- Treating the Dragon's Sick;
- Where to find the Rosary Grains;
- Where to find Pumpkin Seeds;
- A pure white flower for Kotaro;
- Where to find all the Prosthetic Instruments;
- Armored Warrior, an epic challenge.
Source: VG247.com