Where to start
Nioh 2 has a wide variety of unlockable skills, observing the skill tree itself can send you into tilt.
At the moment there is no standard recommended set, on the other hand, we are talking about a recently released game. There are 4 different skill trees within the game, divided into so many macro categories: Samurai, Shifter, Magic Onmyo and Ninja.
As for all the skills dedicated to weapons, it will be your gaming experience that will advise you best. On the other hand, in the excitement of battle we often forget which skill we have equipped. In any case, we would like to recommend you all those skills that reduce the weaknesses of your weapon, from faster attacks for heavy weapons to those that improve the range for short-range weapons.
Best samurai skills
Man's Living Water: This is one of the best skills in the game and is available to all users. Reserve 6 skill points and acquire the skill as soon as possible.
This skill is used to activate a Ki boost when you dodge an attack at the right time. It will help you in boss fights and fights inside the Dark Realm.
Purify the Yokai Realm: When you fight the Yokai, your Ki pulses will purify the battle area. In addition, defense during medium grapple will distinguish you from the many samurai who have failed.
Metamorph's best skills
Generally, we prefer to use the Yokai form to reset the last quarter of the bosses' life bar. This leads us to consider the possibility of having a longer duration.
The Destruction, Tenacity and Demonic Discipline skills are skills that will be unlocked within the Metamorphic branch. However, if like us you want to benefit from the Yokai Form for as long as possible, choose the Demonic Discipline first.
Hidden Yokai: The Yokai realm is the worst place to live. If you don't release Ki from your hair, you will lose your stamina very quickly, often with embarrassing results, to say the least. To avoid this trickle, unlock this skill and send the Ki shelter penalty to that country when you are near the waves of the Yokai Realm.
Hidden Darkness: The same goes for the aforementioned skill, in this case, however, it refers to the Dark Realm.
How to get Onmyo or Ninja Magic skill points
Diversifying your character build is a great idea, perhaps including Ninjutsu and Onmyo Spells.
Without your first point, the points you will use in the field of Magic and Dexterity will only serve to modify the damage inflicted by Kusarigama and your Snap Scythe (Switchglaive).
To acquire your first points you will have to use consumables that you will get from enemies or chests. There are two main methods to get them.
The first, but also the least common, is to use Ninja Hair or Onmyo Wizards, which can be found by fighting throughout the game world or by completing challenges in the Dojo. Although the best way is to spam bombs, talismans and amulets like there's no tomorrow.
Within your inventory, you'll notice that some items are marked with a shuriken or a scroll logo, the former are related to Ninjutsu while the latter are related to Onmyo spells.
To earn these points first, we recommend using powder bombs for Ninjutsu, while for Onmyo spells, you can find what you're looking for by making offerings at the Kodama Shrine.
The best ninja skills
Cluster Bombs: These types of bombs are particularly useful. Not only do they do the dirty work by inflicting a large amount of damage, but using the upgraded version will cause your weaker enemies to die in flames.
No matter whether you're dealing with bosses, particularly powerful or hard-to-reach enemies, bombs are the ideal solution for most situations.
Quick Change: As in the original game, these rolls are also very useful in Nioh 2. In fact, they allow you to survive a hit that would normally cost you your life. With this function, you will fall in front of the enemy to attempt an attack from below.
This system is extremely effective against the bosses you'll encounter in the more advanced stages of the game, which will unleash combos against you that seem to come out of nowhere, killing you in one hit.
You see this opportunity as your "Get Out of Jail Free" card, in fact, the effect will not be unique, but will last for a while, allowing you to take better hits.
The best abilities of Onmyo's spells
Elemental and purification talismans
All basic talismans are useful in Nioh 2, so try to find them all. Those dedicated to purification help reduce the ki of enemy Yokai, leaving them at the mercy of your blades.
Aquatic and amphibious enemies don't like electric-type talismans, while fire-type enemies like Ippon-Datara and Wheelmonks are weak to water damage. All others can be defeated with the help of fire damage.
Unsullied Sky, Cursed Earth: This is not an actual magic technique, in fact you can consider it as a useful perk to extend the range of your purifications. Combined with the Shrine Maiden armor, it restores the purification bar in no time. Think about it.
Talisman of Rejuvenation: In Nioh 2, as in many other Souls lookalikes, healing tools are never enough. That's why these talismans are incredibly useful, through their use, you will eventually benefit from small amounts of additional health. Better to delay death, right?
Sloth talisman: In whatever build you have prepared, you can't forget this magic. The sloth spell will be responsible for significantly slowing down the speed of your enemies' movements. Thanks to this possibility, you will be able to easily dodge any attack.
The talisman in question works on all enemies, even bosses, so if you're in trouble, you know what to do.
How to reallocate skill points
Finally, we want to explain what to do if you've messed up and put too many points in one branch or you're going to change the main one, even if you decide to allocate more points to ninjutsu and Onmyo magic. What you will have to do is to use a book of reincarnation.
These are items that have a fairly high cost and allow only a single use. They can be obtained, in some cases, by completing quests, but they are very rare. Therefore, we recommend that you think carefully before using them because they are very precious.
We hope this guide can help you in the arduous task that awaits you.
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