La Monster Hunter Rise demo is one of the most anticipated for fans of the Capcom franchise. In fact, it should come as no surprise that upon its release, the eShop would have a huge number of players ready to download the trial. But maybe Nintendo did not do the math well, and its online store has experienced a huge slowdown.
But let's go back in time a moment. Capcom has decided to hold a digital event dedicated to the new Monster Hunter Rise, in which they have been list some of the features which we will see in the title. One of the most appreciated by fans is, of course, the possibility of being able to use monsters like mounts.
So, when the hunt began, everyone was catapulted into the eShop for download Monster Hunter Rise, causing a huge slowdown of the store. In fact, in case you are part of the hunters, you will have to wait a bit before you can start having fun. Nintendo itself has admitted the problem via the official Twitter profile.
現在, Nintendo Switch の ニ ン テ ン ド ー and シ ョ ッ プ に ア ク セ ス が 集中 し て い る た め, ソ フ ト の ダ ウ ン ロ ー ド が す ぐ に 開始 さ れ な い 状態 が 発 生 し て い ま す. お 手 数 で す が, ダ ウ ン ロ ー ド 開始 ま で し ば ら く お 待 ち く だ さ い. Https://t.co / alXwzyNtzy
- 任天堂 サ ポ ー ト (@nintendo_cs) January 8, 2021
One piece of advice we can give you is to insist too much on the "download" button of the eShop. What do you mean? Well, normally when you try to download something from the big N store, the item you want will appear in the Home, starting the download. In the case of Monster Hunter Rise, you would only make things worse, as the "time" will return to zero each time you press the button. So, just hit download once and wait for your Nintendo Switch to start downloading on its own.
In short, before starting the hunt, arm yourself with a lot of patience and you will see that you too can have fun. Also, remember that in this demo it will be multiplayer co-op is also available!