Before the game was even released, Capcom started talking about the new monsters that would come with the 2.0 update Monster hunter rise.
in ShowCase online programmed by the Japanese software house, we will finally have the details of this update. Below you will find the news currently available, the date and how to attend the event.
Capcom has already confirmed that the Chameleos, an ancient dragon of Monster Hunter 2, and the 'Apex Rathalos. Beyond these, the new update introduces a myriad of additional monsters to hunt that will be revealed during the showcase.
Among these should also be the fearsome Bazelgeuse di Monster Hunter World e Apex Diablos. But, to have confirmation, you will have to wait for the official press release.
Those looking forward to the event and update, however, won't have to wait much longer. The ShowCase is in fact scheduled for tomorrow, April 27 2021. For fans in the United States, the schedule will be complex, while in Europe the event will begin at 16pm.
Here is a list containing the start times in the main countries of the world:
- 07: 00 PDT
- 9:00 CT
- 10: 00 AND
- 14: 00 UTC
- 15:00 BST
- 16:00 CEST
The event will be broadcast on the main social channels of Capcom (Twitch and Youtube), live streaming. It will also be possible to follow the showcase on other video sharing platforms.
Monster Hunter Rise is available at Nintendo Switch e PC.