Instragram, here are the apps to find out who looks at your profile – Among the social networks, the one in greatest growth is certainly Instagram, especially among younger users. As for Facebook, which now owns it, the rules on privacy they do not let you know how many and which people have visited your profile. However, there are apps that allow you to get around this obstacle and that can tell you who clicked on yours account.
Instagram, find out who saw your profile with these apps
There are at least three applications that you can use to find out who has visited your Instagram profile. The first is called Instalev: collects data from social networks and analyzes users who have clicked on your page recently. To discover their names just click on 'stalkers' and a list of people who have 'spied' on you will appear. The second Whatsapp bears the name 'Who viewed my Instagram profile': Shows the twenty users who view your account most frequently. But be careful: in order to get to know the first three on the list, you will have to spend the 3,69 euros to buy the version Premium of the product. Finally, the third is called 'Who visits my Instagram profile': it is possible to read a list with the last eight people who came to browse your page, while by clicking on the dot at the bottom right, you can see who returns more often.