Water, Wine, Coffee, Coke on your keyboard? All is not lost.
Many of you may have accidentally spilled water, wine or coffee on your PC keyboard. Well, the writer has managed to get rid of nine, during his long and honored career as a keyboard destroyer ... two of which in the last two weeks, between toasts and celebrations. The great experience gained in this sector allows us, therefore, to proclaim ourselves Guru in terms of keyboard recovery. This guide, written needless to say thanks to a keyboard that escaped the dustbin after having swallowed an unspecified amount of sugared coffee, is therefore aimed at all those who find themselves in this unpleasant situation and, before abandoning a trusted partner, have decided to make this last, desperate attempt.
First of all, let's say right away that the situation varies a lot depending on whether the liquid spilled on your keyboard is water or another sugary drink (coca-cola and the like, wine, coffee). In fact, if, in the first case, the keyboard can be saved by simply disconnecting all the contacts, turning it over and letting it dry, in other cases it may be necessary to take a few more steps.
But let's go in order and see what to do.
DISCLAIMER - Limitation of Liability
The operations described in this guide, although personally tested by the author, do not guarantee 100% the result. The author and the editors of Soultricks.com cannot be held responsible in any way for any form of damage to your assets. By continuing to read, you expressly accept this disclaimer.
Keyboard on which you have poured water:
1) Immediately disconnect the keyboard to avoid short circuits: you will think about curses later;
2) Turn the keyboard over immediately after trying to prevent the liquid from reaching the contacts of the individual keys;
3) Frequently wipe any liquid that comes out of the upside down keyboard with a cloth.
4) Once the bulk is removed, use a hairdryer (possibly with a flat nozzle), set to COLD (attention, it is important to deactivate the hot resistance if you want to prevent your keyboard from melting, literally: this advice too, unfortunately, is the result of a personal dramatic experience)
5) Leave to rest for at least a couple of days and wait for the liquid to evaporate completely. Restrain your impulses and avoid plugging in the keyboard before at least 48 hours have elapsed with the keyboard left in a cool, dry place.
6) If you still have some problems, get yourself a can of electric reactivator (from the hardware store) and spray with the special nozzle in the non-working points.
Keyboard on which you have poured coffee, wine and other sugary liquids.
If your keyboard has ended up immersed in sugary liquids, the situation is definitely complicated. In fact, letting it dry is not only useless but also counterproductive, as the sugar residue, depositing on the contacts, will prevent the keyboard from functioning correctly (blocked keys, repeated or non-functioning letters, etc.).
Here are some tips to try to reset your keyboard which, in our case - a keyboard literally dipped in coffee - worked:
Shopping list: One or two packs of distilled water; pan or other basin large enough to hold your keyboard.
7) Recite a prayer every night before going to sleep.
Trying to save a keyboard is an operation absolutely due to the companion of many linguistic and videogame battles. Despite this, the operations described in this guide do not guarantee 100% the result; secondly, especially in the second part of the guide, the "cure" could in some cases be worse than the disease. So be careful and read the disclaimer carefully before proceeding! Good luck!