You have several URLs with special characters (for example “+”), in your site in and browsing the web you get 404 errors (page not found)? Quite bad, you have to know that even in the Google Search Console these items are considered as Scanning errors and are not crawled by Googlebot, as the URLs are truncated and refer to a non-existent page.
I think it is appropriate to run for cover, how? Keep reading the next lines because I will reveal to you how to handle URLs with special characters in in a few simple steps.
The error you usually get is just this:
The request filtering module is configured to deny a request that contains a double escape sequence
Most likely causes:
The request contained a double escape sequence and request filtering is configured on the Web server to deny double escape sequences. how solve
Things you can try:
Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering@allowDoubleEscaping setting in the applicationhost.config or web.confg file.
Retrieve URLs containing unencoded or special characters such as "+”In the path is rejected by default. The error occurs because IIS is configured by default to reject attempts to duplicate URLs, which could represent a scripted attack attempt with canonicalization problems in handling URLs.
The solution to avoid getting Error 404 is to set the allowDoubleEscaping attribute in the system.webServer / security / requestFiltering configuration section in the application web.config. However, this could make the application more vulnerable to malicious URLs.
How to manage URLs with special characters in, you have to intervene in the Web.Config file and insert the following lines of code:
Adriana gil
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