You want to earn so many credits in FIFA 21? Do you have a capital of: 200k 300k 500k 1kk? Well then we'll give you some tips to maximize your budget.
You have to try to divide your starting capital, perhaps obtained by participating in the Weekend League or playing the Squad Battles or simply with a lot of luck from the packages. What you need to do is try to fill the entire transfer list, 50, 60, 70, 80 players!
You earn more this way, compared to listing a single card maybe taken at 20k and resold at 30k. Definitely an excellent gain, we are talking about 8k, but a bit 'an end in itself if you do it one-off.
In fact, if we had divided those 20k by 4/5 cards, perhaps earning 4 / 5k per card, we would have earned 16 / 20k and not 8k. And it's also easier to sell 5k cards than just 20, 30k cards.
Here because investments must be related to the owned budget. Do you have a budget of 500.000 credits? By listing 100 cards at 5k, you could make excellent profits, even managing to double the budget invested! The important thing is to fill your transfer list with interesting cards and not with useless stuff or stuff that maybe every FIFA 21 player would like.
Remember, the goal is to maximize time and earnings.
Everything is possible through flipping. Buy at a little less than the market. The higher the market goes, the more successful the flipping will be. The trick is consistency and above all follow the fluctuations of the market, 5/6 pieces for each role, championship of a certain level, et voila, that's it.
When should you slow down flipping or aim even more?
It depends on the events that could affect the market. After the WL, users decide to change their team, reselling it. Add in the Battles rewards and the market will inevitably decline to the bottom. and this is the best time to buy, that is between Sunday evening and Monday morning. Going towards Thursday, prices will rise and then lower again towards Thursday morning / evening (as there will be mass unpacking due to the release of the Weekend League prizes).
Towards Friday and Saturday instead, it will be the best time to resell the purchased cards. In this way you can collect a lot of credits.
For any advice on the market we recommend that you follow the guys from FUT Street on Twitch and Facebook.