Indispensable for add-ons with on-demand content such as movies and TV series.
An element it's a Kodi third-party add-ons, so please do not post questions about this add-on in the official Kodi forum. The add-on offers the following content:
Movies, TV series (torrent format), Search, other items and a Settings section from which you can set the add-on according to your preferences.
PLEASE NOTE: Elementum is an add-on that uses links torrent sites and to work requires the installation of Burst. The installation will be prompted automatically the first time you start the add-on. In this article I suggest some repositories from which you can install Elementum but there are many others.
Official Website: elementum.surge.sh
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- Kodi: installation and first steps
How to install Element on Kodi
- Start Kodi and click on the icon at the top left Settings.

- In the left or right column, double click on Add source (only once on touchscreen devices).

- Click on , enter the address https://warehousecrates.github.io/TheWareHouse/ and double click on Ok. Alternatively you can also use the sources https://repo.gaiakodi.com/ e https://shark5588.github.io/.

- Then click on TheWareHouse > repository.thewarehouse-(version number).zip.
- Wait for the installation notification and click on Installa da repository > The WareHouse Repository > Add-on video > Elementum > Installa > Ok.
- You will find the new ad-on in the Kodi home, in the Video Add-on section.
Home di Elementum

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