Rule # 1 is to find a partner with balls!
This little guide serves to underline some rules to survive the ruthless world of Days Gone.
Resources are never enough ...
Never embark on a mission without checking if you have the necessary resources with you. Make sure the bike is always ready and snappy and don't forget to check the fuel. A stop at the petrol station can cost you dearly (any reference to the increase in petrol is purely coincidental…).
Also check that you always have enough ammo and some medical kits. You can store everything you collect at base camp and if you have enough credits don't think twice.
Also remember to collect everything you can. The key to surviving this nightmare is to always be ready, with a smile in your heart and plenty of ammunition to make Rambo pale.
Always leave yourself a chance
You will be more and more tempted to be the superhero of the situation thanks to your firepower, know that Days Gone will lead you to prefer a stealth approach, tall grass will be your best friend. By behaving like a real Assassin you can save ammo and strike in silence.
Also remember to take advantage of melee weapons. A wooden board may not be very powerful, but when paired with a few nails it can turn into something lethal. A very useful skill will allow you to repair these improvised weapons using waste material.
Running away can be an option
It is true that men of action are not afraid of anything, but in some cases running away distinguishes a living man from a dead one. Use this tactic if you think your equipment isn't enough to survive the horde.
The Joypad also wants its part
Days Gone will also offer you investigative missions. Pressing L3 will allow Deacon to interact with surrounding objects. In some cases, however, it will be necessary to use specific tools to continue in the game, so you just need to turn the camera until your Joypad begins to vibrate, the closer you get to the object in question the greater the vibration, easy right?
But how good it is to walk around with wings under your feet
As you well know, our protagonist will have a roaring motorcycle at his disposal. This useful means of transportation will also be important for quick rescue. Just approach the vehicle or park it and press the triangle button.
It's not Fast and Furious
Using the bike will undoubtedly be of great use, but the vehicle consumes gasoline and is also an indispensable tool for the game economy. For heaven's sake it's easy enough to refuel in Oregon, but you might be alone in the middle of nowhere and that roaring beauty would be your only chance of salvation.
To save fuel, we recommend that you take your hand off the accelerator when going downhill.
Pimp your bike
As you progress through Days Gone, you'll unlock camps that include mechanics. These mechanics will offer to update the bike for you (for a fee). You will need to build trust with base camp members to unlock some upgrades, to get them you will need to complete main story missions, side-quests and sell meat.
If you have enough credits with you, you can pimp your vehicle with the best spare parts, which will allow you to increase speed, efficiency and much more.
We hope this little guide will be useful to you, let us know by commenting on our Facebook page.
Also read the other guides:
- Days Gone, the bike and its commandments