Welcome in the 90's
If you are still playing Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, know that many of the tricks present in the PS1 version are still there, from Penta Penguin to permanent invisibility, not forgetting Super Turbo and infinite bombs.
To enter a code, you will have to go to the main menu of the game hold down L1 and R1 (ZL / ZR on Switch and LB / RB on Xbox One) and enter the cheat you want.
Infinite Wumpa Fruits
This trick will lead you to always have with you the maximum of the iconic fruits of the series.
All Platforms: Down, Right, Right, Down, Down
Infinite Turbo
This code will provide you with an endless supply of Boosts.
PS4: Triangle, X, Right, Left, Left, Triangle, X
XBO: Y, A, Right, Left, Left, Y, A
Switch: X, B, Right, Left, Left, Y, A
Infinite Bowling Bombs
This explosive trick will give you an industrial amount of Bowling Bombs.
PS4: Triangle, Right, Down, Right, Up, Triangle, Left
XBO: Y, Right, Down, Right, Up, Y, Left
Switch: X, Right, Down, Right, Up, X, Left
Aku Aku / Uka Uka Infiniti
This is the most powerful trick, as it will allow you to have the incredible power of the two masks.
PS4: Left, Triangle, Right, Left, Circle, Right, Down, Down
XBO: Left, Y, Right, Left, B, Right, Down, Down
Switch: Left, X, Right, Left, A, Right, Down, Down
Eternal invisibility
It is one of the most loved super powers by nerds and even in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled offers its advantages, in fact, thanks to this trick the tracker missiles will never, ever catch you.
All Platforms: Up, Up, Down, Right, Right, Up
Super Turbo platforms
This cheat will transform all Turbo Platforms, as powerful as on Turbo Track. Remember this when you jump ...
PS4: Triangle, Right, Right, Circle, Left
XBO: Y, Right, Right, B, Left
Switch: X, Right, Right, A, Left
Command Turbo
Can't resist speed? This trick is designed especially for you. Each press of the acceleration button will give you the same turbo as a drift.
PS4: Up, Up, Left, Right, Triangle, Down, Right, Down
XBO: Up, Up, Left, Right, Y, Down, Right, Down
Switch: Up, Up, Left, Right, X, Down, Right, Down
A dry race
This code changes the number of laps required to complete an event, bringing it to a single lap.
PS4: Down, Up, Down, Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, Triangle, Down
XBO: Down, Up, Down, Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, Y, Down
Switch: Down, Up, Down, Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, X, Down
Frozen Circuits
The cheat in question will cause all tracks to become slippery.
PS4: Down, Left, Right, Down, Right, Circle, Triangle, Down
XBO: Down, Left, Right, Down, Right, B, Y, Down
Switch: Down, Left, Right, Down, Right, A, X, Down.
Did you remember these tricks? Let us know your favorites by commenting on our Facebook page.
Unfortunately the code to get the Spyro 3 demo doesn't work.
Source: A life well spent!