Since the founding of Windows, Microsoft products has always been committed to trying to meet the needs of gamers and developers. In the past 18 months, Microsoft products has released games like Age of Empires II e III, Gears Tactics, Wasteland 3, Minecraft Dungeons e Microsoft Flight Simulator. Looking forward to the next titles such as Age of Empires IV, Microsoft products, with an article on Xbox Wire, he wanted to take stock of the current and future situation.
Today, Matt Booty, chief of the Xbox Game Studios, published a post on Xbox Wire on the continuous investments of Microsoft products in the gaming ecosystem for PC. The article also talks about the work the company has done recently to support developers and the community. Through a post on LinkedIn, Sarah Bond, Head of Game Creator Experiences and Ecosystem, spoke of the work that Microsoft products is doing to allow developers to realize their creative ambitions and publish amazing titles for PC.
The key points of the article concern the crossplay which will allow players Xbox e PC to share servers in online games. This will already be possible with Halo Infinite. The crossplay it will also extend to bailouts, allowing you to transfer your progress on one platform to another.
Halo Infinite will also have screen support ultrawide and a series of graphic settings aimed at making the experience engaging and enjoyable.
The article goes on to emphasize the goal of Microsoft products to reach as many players as possible. From Xbox Cloud Gaming which allows you to try the titles Xbox su PC even poorly performing, up to bring their games up Steam, Microsoft products is committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to try their titles.
Matt Booty also dedicates a paragraph to developers, announcing the changes in the terms of access to the Microsoft Store. Now, developers who publish a game on the store will receive a higher percentage of the earnings of their titles. In addition to the economic factor, Microsoft products also makes all its DirectX 12-based technologies available to developers. Among these, the Direct Storage, which shortens the loading times on Xbox, will also be available on PC, with all the ensuing advantages.
The article concludes with a look at the future of Microsoft products and the objectives that the company aims to achieve by 2021. You can consult the full text on Xbox Wire at this link.