In the latest update for Destiny 2, Bungie confirmed that Trials of Osiris it wouldn't be available to gamers. The mode was disabled earlier this week due to unexpected problems. The developers confirm that they are working to fix them.
Still to be seen how Bungie will address this issue in the next few days. A problem that will be fixed on 16 March, with the beginning of Night falls grand master, an addition that allows the presence of 12 players in a single activity.
“We've been watching the hype for the 12-player raid and we're glad you're having fun. We don't intend to release any premature updates and that's not a problem if you want to try it out and have fun. Keep in mind that we didn't develop this mode by imagining a clown machine full of Guardians around the map, so you may encounter anomalies. "
So until then, the map will be available to all sorts of raiding and storming squads. Destiny 2 is currently in the middle of Season of the Chosen which has added the new activities of the battlefields, the mission Omen (which has among the rewards the new Tale of the dead man, an exotic scout rifle) and two assaults already present in the previous chapter. Also, a brand new called assault will be added Proving Grounds, available from 30 March.
Destiny 2: Trials of Osiris It is available for PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X e Pc.