After removing the "PogChamp" emote earlier this week, Twitch has revealed that it will replace her giving the popular emote "a different face every day".
Despite being famous as one of the most popular emotes ever in the Twitch community, the "PogChamp" face she took a break, this week. The reason is that, following the bloody events of the Capitol, in America, the "face" previously associated with the emote, (the streamer Ryan Gutierrez, said "Gootecks“) Had posted a tweet that“ encouraged further violence beyond what had already taken place “.
The company he wanted to distance himself clearly from this attitude, removing the emote in its entirety. Twitch, however, communicated, at the same time as the removal, that he wanted "the spirit of the PogChamp to live on, in a whole new way."
Twitch interviewed its users on Twitter on how to redesign the PogChamp emote. Sean Plott, Official reporter of eSports events, suggested adopting a different face for the PogChamp every 24 hours. This is because the emote is traditionally used to show enthusiasm and emotion towards highly anticipated moments ("hype").
Twitch is the solution for the “new” PogChamp
After the removal of the original emote, Twitch had specified that it wanted to "make the meaning of the emoticon survive" given its "prominent role in Twitch culture". In response, many users on social media have started sharing their suggestions on who could be the new candidates (chosen from streamers and content creators) to give their face to "PogChamp".
It seems Twitch rated Plott's suggestion as the best solution to continue using the PogChamp emote. It also constitutes an opportunity for give visibility to a large and diverse population of streamers and content creators, instead of tying the emote and its meaning to one person. The first face to be associated with the "new" PogChamp will be that of Kenny McWild (UnRoolie), a streamer who mainly deals with fighting games.