How many are the sanctuaries scattered throughout the immense world of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? Many, and the growing difficulty both in the challenges and in their finding. Starting to play, the sanctuaries are many and easy to find, but as the adventure continues they become more and more hidden from view. Also facing them and getting the Spirit Orbs inside them will require more and more effort.
Although yours Sheikah tablet it will give you a hand to orient yourself in the vast areas of Hyrule, a large number of sanctuaries will still remain hidden from view. We therefore give you a hand to find them all and 120 in this great masterpiece which is The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.
We have organized the positions according to the individual geographic areas. Each tower will unlock a portion of the map of Breath of The Wild, and the sanctuaries will appear in those specific regions, more or less distant from each other. The images in the body of the article will help you find your way around the immense territories of Hyrule!
If you are looking for other guides and information on the title here is all the material dedicated to the published by Soultricks.com
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Tips and Tricks
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, how to get infinite Rupees
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, how to get the Master Sword and the green robe
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Recipe and Potions Guide
Location of sanctuaries according to individual areas
Grand Plateau region
- Oman Au shrine (proof of magnetism)
- Ja Baij shrine (bomb test)
- Owa Dam shrine (evidence of stasis)
Dueling Peaks Tower Region
- Bosh Kala shrine (The wind will guide you)
- Ta'Loh Naeg Shrine (The Teaching of Ta'Loh Naeg)
- Ree Dahee Shrine (Timing is of the essence)
- Shrine of Hila Rao (Slip)
- Ha Dahamar Shrine (Water Guides You)
- Shee Vaneer Shrine (Twin Memories)
- Shee Venath Shrine (Twin Memories)
- Lakna Rokee Shrine (Lakna Rokee's Blessing)
- Toto Sah Shrine (The Toto Sah Apparatus)
Lanaryu tower region
- Daka Tuss Shrine (Sunken Scoop)
- Sanctuary of Rucco Maag (The five flames)
- Kaya Wan Shrine (Shields from Water)
- Sheh Rata Shrine (The Speed of Light)
- Shai Yota Shrine (Shai Yota's Blessing)
- Dagah Keek Shrine (The Ceremonial Song)
- Kah Mael Shrine (Release and repeat)
- Ne'ez Yohma Shrine (Power of Thrust)
- Soh Kofi Shrine (A Test of Minor Strength)
Hateno Tower Region
- Shrine of Myahm Agana (The Apparatus of Myham Agana)
- Kam Urog Shrine (Proof of Passage)
- Dow Na'eh Shrine (The Three Chests)
- Jitan Sa'mi Shrine (Jitam Sa'mi's Blessing)
- Sanctuary of Mezza Lo (The beast with the crown)
- Tahno O'ah Shrine (Secret of the Cedars)
- Chaas Qeta Shrine (The Greater Test of Strength)
Lake Tower Region
- Ka'o Makagh Shrine (Metal gates will open the way for you)
- Ya Naga Shrine (Shatter the Heavens)
- Pumaag Nitae Shrine (A minor test of strength)
- Shae Katha Shrine (Shae Katha's Blessing)
- Ishto Soh Shrine (Giving Courage)
- Shoqa Tatone Shrine (Guardian Slideshow)
Central tower region
- Dah Kaso Shrine (A Minor Test of Strength)
- Wahgo Katta Shrine (Metal Connections)
- Rota Ooh Shrine (Going through the gates)
- Kaam Ya'tak Shrine (Proof of Power)
- Katah Chucki shrine (A minor test of strength)
- Noya Neha shrine (A minor test of strength)
- Saas Ko'sah Shrine (A Major Test of Strength)
- Namika Ozz Shrine (A Modest Test of Strength)
Woodland Tower Region
- Keo Ruug Shrine (Fateful Stars)
- Daah Chokah Shrine (Quest of the Lost Pilgrim)
- Mirro Shaz Shrine (Hardened Power)
- Monya Toma Shrine (Drawing Parables)
- Ketoh Wawai Shrine
- Rona Kachta Shrine (Blessing of Rona Kachta)
- Kuhn Sidajj Shrine (The Proof of the Second Light)
- Maag Halan Shrine (The Wood Test)
Ridgeland Tower Region
- Toh Yahsa Shrine (Burning Secrets)
- Mogg Latan Shrine (Synced Swing)
- Zalta Wa Shrine (Two orbs will guide you)
- Shae Loya Shrine (Wait for the moment)
- Shrine of Maag No'rah (Blessing of Maag No'rah)
- Sheem Dagoze Shrine (The Two Ruins)
- Mijah Rokee Shrine (Under a red moon)
Gerudo tower region
- Kuh Takkar Shrine (Melting Ice Hazard)
- Sasa Kai Shrine (A Moderate Strength Test)
- Sho Dantu shrine (Two bombs)
- Joloo Nah Shrine (Joloo Nah Apparatus)
- Kema Kosassa Shrine (A Major Test of Strength)
- Keeha Yoog Shrine (Keeha Yoog's Blessing)
Faron Tower Region
- Shoda Sah Shrine (Flawless Timing)
- Qukah Nata Shrine (A Song of Storms)
- Shai Utoh Shrine (Halt the Tilt)
- Muwo Jeem Shrine (A Modest Test of Strength)
- Tawa Jinn Shrine (The Three Giant Brothers)
- Yah Rin Shrine (A Heavy Decision)
- Kah Yah Shrine (A fragmented moment)
- Korgu Chideh Shrine (Stranded on Eventide)
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