Super Mario 64 has also arrived on Nintendo Switch. All this thanks to the interesting but controversial 3D All-Stars collection. Many gamers have tried this historic masterpiece for the first time, and despite being a simple title, it can sometimes be frustrating not knowing what to do.
As understandable from the title, today we will explain how to get the Winged Hat in Super Mario 64.
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Surely you have seen the transparent red block at the beginning of the world "Bob-omb Battlefield", to unlock it you must first accumulate 10 Stars, once done you are ready to unlock the coveted hat.
Once back in the lobby, you will notice that the emblem of the sun in the center of the room is illuminated by a powerful beam of light, stand in the middle of the sun and look up. If you do this correctly, you will be transported to the Tower of the Winged Hat, here, before going down and pressing the button to unlock the skill in question in the other worlds, we advise you to first take the 8 red coins that you will see in heaven.
After finishing the task go down to the central tower, press the huge red button with the exclamation mark and grab the newly unlocked Secret Star.
Seen? It wasn't that difficult. Let us know in the comments if this guide was useful to you and if you too are having fun in the company of the iconic Super Mario 64.
Video Credits: Release-Fire