In Ultrasole and Ultralun Pokémon It is possible to capture the highest number of legendaries ever seen in the series, thanks to the presence of Ultravarchi: dimensional and temporal portals to other dimensions, including the regions of origin of each respective Legendary Pokémon.
- Ultravarchi are present in Ultrasole and Ultralun Pokémon, and their mechanics are completely new, apparently a little complicated. In our guide we will explain what they are, how they work, and therefore how to catch all the Legendary Pokémon in the game, including Mewtwo obviously. The use of Ultravarchi and the capture of Legendary Pokémon are in fact closely linked to each other.
You can find our review of Ultrasole and Ultralun Pokémon from this page.
We have also made a guide to catching the Shiny Pokémon, you can find it here.
The guide will be updated in the coming months in order to offer more and more complete information on every single Legendary in the game.
Last updated: March 1st. The guide is now complete, do not hesitate to write to us for important suggestions or reports.
Advice, suggestions and special requests can be made by commenting on the article or by writing to us on our Facebook page.
How the Ultravarchs work
First, the Ultravarchs will only be unlocked after reaching a specific point in the plot of the games. In fact, we must have reached at least Ultra Megalopoli, using the appropriate Gateway. From this moment on Ultravarchs will appear for the Alola region, allowing you to go through them.
Crossing an Ultravarco we will ride Solgaleo or Lunala through Ultra-space. The goal is simple, to travel as far as possible gathering energy along path. The longer we travel, the more the spheres of energy to be collected along the way become rare, so knowing how to calculate distances is a very important question: if we run out of energy, the race ends, and consequently we will not be able to catch any Pokémon.
Keep in mind that:
- An Ultravarco takes us inside one of five environments different
- Each environment contains different types of Pokémon to capture. The longer we manage to travel in the Ultra Arc, the rarer the monster will be
- Le Orange Spheres they increase our energy, allowing us to travel longer. At the beginning there are many, but as we continue they decrease
- Le Blue Spheres take away energy! They will cause the end of our journey in that Ultralight
Types and Rarity of the Ultravarchs
As we mentioned above, each Ultravarco it leads to five different "worlds" or environments. Before entering an Ultravarco it is good to recognize the type of rarity of the same, because maybe we are not interested in the Pokémon contained in a common one, but only the Legendaries of the Rarer ultravarchs. Ultravarchi are distinguished by colors and borders.
Depending on the distance we will be able to reach during the journey, the Ultravarchi they will earn an edge which will denote its rarity. The more light-years we travel, the higher the chance of Rare Ultravarchs appearing. The rarest Ultravarco of all is the one with the double purple border, which will begin to appear only after having traveled at least 2500 light years. The rarity bonuses, on the other hand, cease to show up after reaching a distance of 4500 light years.
The five types of Ultravarchs are as follows:
- Bianchi (environment: Ultra World)
- Blue (environment: Waterfalls)
- Rossi (environment: Rocky Mountains)
- Detective stories (environment: underground caves)
- Verdi (environment: grassy fields)
- White Ultravarchi they will causally teleport you to one of the other existing environments. Each environment could contain a Ultra Beast, or Legendary Pokémon.
Ultra Beasts and Legendary Pokémon contained in each Ultra Wormhole
And finally, here we are at the most important part of our guide, where we will explain where to find every single Legendary Pokémon (or every Ultra Beast) based on the type of Ultravarco you will face.
List of Pokémon of the White Ultra Worms
Rarity: Common
- Buzzwole (exclusive to Ultra Sun)
- Pheromosa (exclusive to Ultraluna)
- Nihilego
Rarity: Uncommon
- Kartana (exclusive to Ultrasole)
- Celesteela (exclusive to Ultraluna)
- Xurkitree
Rarity: Rare
- Guzzlord
List of Pokémon of the Blue Ultravarchs
Legendary Pokémon:
- Latios (exclusive to Ultrasole)
Skills: Levitation
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Dazzling, Dragon Pulse, Psycho Cut, Dragon Breath.
- Kyogre (exclusive to Ultrasole)
Skills: Piovischio
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Ice Beam, Primopulsar, Calmamente, Purogelo.
- Lugia (exclusive to Ultraluna)
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Barter, Airstroke, Extrasense, Forzantica.
- Latias (exclusive to Ultraluna)
Skills: Levitation
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Foschisfera, Dragopulsar, Psicotransfer, Desire.
- Aself
Skills: Levitation
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Extrasense, Conspiracy, Baraonda, Comete.
- Uxie
Skills: Levitation
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Extrasense, Yawn, Amnesia, Comet.
- Mesprit
Skills: Levitation
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Extrasense, Charm, Divination, Comet.
- Kyurem (Reshiram and Zekrom are required in squads)
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Slash, Grim Face, Iceworld, Dragon Pulse.
- Suicune (Entei and Raikou are required in the team)
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Bubble Beam, Daylight, Fog, Rain Dance.
Rarity: common
- Barbaracle
- Floatzel
- The shadow
- Quagsire
- Stunfisk
List of Pokémon of the Green Ultra Rows
Legendary Pokémon:
- Dialga (exclusive to Ultrasole)
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Sphere Force, Steel Tail, Roar of Time, Cannonflash.
- Raikou (exclusive to Ultrasole)
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Reflect, Crunch, Thunder Teeth, Discharge.
- Xerneas (exclusive to Ultrasole)
Skills: Piovischio
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Ice Beam, Primopulsar, Calmamente, Purogelo.
- Reshiram (exclusive to Ultrasole)
Skill: Pyroturbine
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Slash, Extrasense, Incroflame, Dragopulsar.
- Zekrom (exclusive to Ultraluna)
Skills: Teravolt
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Slash, Zen Clash, Crack Thunder, Dragon Claw.
- Entei (exclusive to Ultraluna)
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Stomp, Bite, Bully, Lavasbuffo.
- Cobalion
Skills: Justice
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Sword Solenne, Sword Dance, Quick Attack, Metaltestata.
- Virizion
Skills: Justice
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Sun Sword, Sword Dance, Gigabsorption, Leaf Blade.
- Terracion
Skills: Justice
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Spadasolenne, Sword Dance, Landslide, Pietrataglio.
- Mewtwo
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Psychic, Shoot, Comet, Psycho Cut.
Rarity: Common
- Audino
- Drapion
- Grumpig
- Heliolisk
- Nuzleaf
List of Pokémon of the Yellow Ultra Worms
Legendary Pokémon:
- Groudon (Ultra Sun exclusive)
Skills: Drought
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Earthquake, Telluric Swords, Great Physics, Solar Beam.
- Heatran (Ultra Sun exclusive)
Skills: Flame Heart
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Crunch, Grim Face, Smokewash, Fire Spin.
- Palkia (exclusive to Ultraluna)
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Forzasfera, Hydrondata, Spacebar, Hydropump.
- Regigigas (exclusive to Ultraluna)
Skills: Slow start
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Zen Clash, Revenge, Stun Punch, Stun Ray.
- Regice
Skills: Light Body
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Ice Beam, Martelpugno, Locate, Falcecannone.
- Registeel
Skills: Light Body
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Cannonflash, Martelpugno, Locate, Falcecannone.
- Regirock
Skills: Light Body
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Pietrataglio, Martelpugno, Locate, Falcecannone.
- Giratina (Pakia and Dialga are required in the team)
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Dark Duff, Force Force, Geoforza, Dragon Claw.
Rarity: Common
- Abomasnow
- Crustle
- Hippowdon
- Magcargo
- Medicham
List of Pokémon of the Red Ultra Worms
Legendary Pokémon:
- Ho-Oh (Ultra Sun exclusive)
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Held items: Magic Ash
Moves: Last Flame, Magifuoco, Extrasenso, Forzantica.
- Tornadus (Ultra Sun exclusive)
Skills: Prank
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Eterelama, Crunch, Tailwind, Rain Dance.
- Yveltal (exclusive to Ultraluna)
Ability: Auratetra
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Wings of Fate, Black Pulse, Spectrum, Psychic.
- Thundurus (Ultraluna exclusive)
Skills: Prank
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Unload, Crunch, Tailwind, Rain Dance.
- Moltres
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Forzantica, Flamethrower, Eterelama, Sunny Day.
- Zapdos
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Forzantica, Discharge, Plucking, Rain Dance.
- Articuno
Skills: Pressure
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Forzantica, Freeze-drying, Reflection, Hail.
- Cresselia
Skills: Piovischio
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Dawnbeam, Divination, Laceration, Moonlight.
- Rayquaza (Kyogre and Groudon required in squad)
Skills: Shelter
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Growth, Extreme Fast, Dragopulsar, Dragodanza.
- Landorus (Thundurus and Tornadus required in squad)
Ability: Silicoforza
Level: 60
Objects held: none
Moves: Geoforza, Landslide, Earthquake, Earthstorm.
Rarity: Common
- Altana
- Swanna
- Swellow
- Sigilyph
- Yanmega