With an official press release via its Twitter account, the famous Polish developer CD Project Red announces that he has suffered a cyber attack.
Important Update pic.twitter.com/PCEuhAJosR
- CD PROJEKT RED (@CDPROJEKTRED) February 9, 2021As if the period for the CDPR Team wasn't already bad enough for all the problems due to the poor launch of Cyberpunk 2077 (that our review), this attack is now also added to their servers by an unknown group of hackers.
This is the original press release:
“An unidentified person was able to access our internal network, stealing data owned by the CD Projekt group and leaving a note containing a ransom note that we decided to disclose.
We have already secured our infrastructure and started restoring data.
We do not intend to comply with the requests made or to negotiate with the culprit, aware that this could lead to the eventual publication of the compromised data. We are trying to mitigate any consequences as much as possible, in particular by notifying the parties who may be involved.
We are still investigating the incident, but we can already confirm that - as far as we know - the compromised systems did not contain any personal data of our players.
We have already notified the relevant authorities, including law enforcement and the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, and we will work with all of them to get to the bottom of the incident. "
The requests of the hakers

The hacker group, via a note file, warns the Polish software house that it has come into possession of the source codes of all their flagship products, from the aforementioned Cyberpunk to The Witcher 3.
CD Projekt Red will have 48 hours from the release to reach an agreement, in order to prevent all stolen data from being made public by these criminals.
We will see in the next few hours what developments this bad business will take, if the threats will have a sequel or rather if CD Projekt will be able to remain firm in its uncompromising position.
Regardless of how all this will end, we sincerely hope that for the boys of Warsaw we can finally return only to talking about gaming, without threats, class action or cyber attacks.