Our guide to achievements for the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Welcome to ours guide to platinum of the new Call of Duty, the rebirth of a historic saga within the franchise. In this case, getting all the trophies is really a breeze, perhaps easier than in any other title in the series. No online trophies, no zombie modes, and Special Ops related trophies are optional. Everything is related to the single player campaign, which as always is not very long, although extraordinarily intense. Let's move on to see together the trophies of the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare!
- Average difficulty of the trophies: 4/10
- Estimated time for platinum: 10-12 hours
- Offline Trophies: 28 (1
- Online Trophies: 0
- Does the difficulty affect? Yes, the game must be completed on Veteran difficulty
- Minimum playthroughs: 1 (but we advise you to do 2)
- Release Date: October 25 2019
Our tip for smoothly completing all of the game's trophies is play the campaign twice. The first at a medium-low difficulty, to enjoy the story and get all the achievements related to the missions. The second time will be used to finish the campaign on veteran difficulty and unlock the related objective. And rest assured: there are no trophies related to collectibles (Unfortunately).
After completed the single player a first time on low difficulty there will be some trophies of various types left, which you can collect with the Mission Selection, one by one. At this point, the only thing left to do is complete the campaign on Veteran difficulty. The good news is that throughout history there are lots of checkpoints that will help you, despite the high difficulty. In any case, if you have played the previous Modern Warfare chapters you should have no problem facing this challenge. It just takes a little patience and a careful use of shelters ...
Finally, if you are an extreme completist, there is also a trophy optional, not required for platinum, related to Special Operations. To get it you will only have to complete each of these missions at least once.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Trophy Guide
Unlock all trophies.
To get this you must obviously get all the other trophies, excluding the optional one related to Special Operations.
Bronze trophies
Explosive defuse
Blast 3 tripping cables using explosives.
In some missions, for example in the sixth, you will find some traps, tripping cables that trigger an explosion. To get the trophy you will have to blow up at least three by throwing grenades at them. You can also use the main weapon's grenade launcher. In mission 6 You can find two traps along the way to the hospital and several others inside.
Ashes to ashes
Burn 4 enemies using a single Molotov cocktail.
This trophy is easily obtainable during mission 4, when you need to secure the armory. At one point a helicopter lands in the center of the area and four enemies descend simultaneously. At this point, if you are fast enough you can reach the landing spot before it lands. Wait for the soldiers to put their feet on the ground (otherwise the helicopter will explode and you won't unlock the trophy) and then throw a Molotov cocktail at them. Timing is key - miss the moment and they'll scatter. If you fail, reload the checkpoint immediately.
Note: it is also possible to obtain the trophy "Furious blaze”At this point, shooting down the helicopter with a Molotov cocktail.
Elimination… to scale
Kill 3 enemies while on a ladder.
During the mission 10, as you try to climb up the mine, you can easily get this trophy. When you need to push the second slide, get the 1911 pistol from underneath it. After that Climb the burning ladder and shoot the enemies. If anything goes wrong, start over at the checkpoint. Furthermore, the kills are cumulative: you can kill an enemy and reload up to three.
Long fall
Crash a helicopter by shooting the pilot.
During the mission 4 you can see two helicopters flying around. Our advice is to use the Kar98K at the beginning of the level to get this trophy: you can find it at the beginning of the level in the first room near the stairs. Just shoot the pilot, which you will see highlighted in red, to make the helicopter crash and get the trophy. If for some reason it doesn't unlock, reload the checkpoint and try again.
Furious blaze
Use a Molotov cocktail to shoot down a helicopter in flight.
As mentioned above, this trophy is obtainable during the mission 4, when a helicopter lands in the center of the area. As soon as you see it in the air, be quick to run towards it. Always better to do it on very low difficulty. Launch a Molotov cocktail at the still flying helicopter to unlock the trophy. If you fail, just reload the checkpoint.
Hit and smoked
Kill an enemy by hitting them directly with a smoke grenade.
This trophy is also easily obtainable during the mission 6. Here we have the smoke grenades directly in our inventory. After entering the hospital, there is a bloody enemy on a stretcher in the room on the left. Quickly run towards him and throw a smoke bomb at it for an instant kill. If you are not fast enough this enemy will bleed to death or be killed by one of your companions.
Survived in Hell
Complete all single player missions on Veteran or Realism difficulty.
A self-explanatory trophy: to get it, just finish the single player campaign at one of the indicated difficulties. Arm yourself with a lot of patience and you will manage it without too much effort.
Tea time
Complete the single player campaign on any difficulty.
For this trophy you just need to finish the campaign on any difficulty. We advise you to do it at the lowest for a smooth first run.
Thinned out fog
In Fog of War, neutralize the machine gun with a fragmentation grenade.
During the mission 1, while looking for the barrels of gas, at a certain point you will encounter a heavy machine gun. Kill all the enemies, then go up the stairs to the left of the post and approach. At that point throw a grenade at him, which will kill him instantly.
Clean work
Don't hurt any civilians in Piccadilly.
During mission 2, the Piccadilly bombing, you don't have to hit any civilians. Fortunately, the mission is very short. As usual, better on very low difficulties. On difficulty recruit enemies almost do no damage and you can get very close to them and hit them safely. The trophy will unlock after sacrificing the civilian connected to the bomb.
Fake dead
In Infiltrate, kill all enemies in the field full of corpses.
During mission 3, after destroying the two helicopters, you will have to follow Farah. At some point you will find yourself in a garden with many corpses and you will be told to lie down and pretend to be dead, to avoid enemies. To get this trophy you will have to do the opposite and kill them all. Make sure you have a good automatic weapon with you. Start shooting as soon as the first enemy exits the door.
Friend block
In Infiltrate, use a single concrete block and bring it to the end of the mission.
This trophy is also obtainable during the mission 3. At the beginning of the level you will have to collect a brick and pretend to be a worker to pass a roadblock. The goal for getting this trophy is always use the same block throughout the mission. You can put it down, eliminate enemies and then retrieve it: the important thing is that you always use the same block to pass the controls. We strongly advise you to place it in places where you will find it easily.
At the end of the mission you will have to press a button to go down into a well using a ladder. Make sure you still carry the brick in your hands before taking this action, but try to avoid dropping it in the hole: you could be the victim of a bug. Stay a few steps away from the hole before pressing the button.
Prevent Alpha 3-2 from falling to the ground.
For this trophy you will have to rescue Sergeant Madden at all costs during the mission 5, codenamed Alpha 3-2. Specifically on the second floor, go up the stairs, there will be a door on the right. Shoot through it before your teammates cross it. This way you will force the enemies to expose themselves and you can kill them. Once you get to the third floor the trophy will unlock.
Perfect execution
Complete Tabula Rasa without getting hit and using only one bullet per threat.
This is a very challenging trophy that could force you to start from checkpoints often during mission 5 multiple times. In reality, the description is not exactly accurate. Enemies must be killed in the right order and you must kill them, never your companions. You can use the video as a guideline, but below we list the necessary steps.
Ground floor:
- Let your partner block the woman entering the kitchen.
- In the next room, headshot the enemy in the center of the table.
- Let the woman pick up the gun e only then shoot them.
- Let the third soldier at the end of the table pick up the weapon e then shoot him.
On the first floor:
- Ignore the room on the left - your companions will take care of it.
- Don't enter the door directly in front of you, go into that to the right of the man with the hostage.
- Shoot the enemy in the head. Be careful: you have to eliminate him first of the woman, otherwise you will not get the trophy.
- Now let the fake hostage pick up the weapon e then shoot them.
- Open the bathroom door and stand near the wall on the right shoot the man who comes running from inside. Avoid standing in front of the bathroom.
On the second floor:
- Don't shoot through the door! Unfortunately Alpha 3-2 must die.
- Shoot the enemy directly behind the door, aiming through the hole.
- Step inside the room and shoot the man who will come out bedroom on the left.
- Throw one flashbang on the right side of the room, enter and kill the enemy, who randomly could be in two different places: around the corner or behind the sofa. The flashbang just serves to make it easier
On the third floor:
- Approach the woman with the baby and your alter ego should automatically instruct her to sit down.
- Enter the next room, crouch and targeted under the lettor. When the enemy is hiding there, shoot in the head.
Top floor:
- When you enter the room, don't shoot the woman right away. You will have to do it at the exact moment Price orders it. With subtitles it will be easier to know when. Don't let Price kill her because you won't get the trophy.
There are various points in the mission that could be problematic, so be careful. However, remember that you can use checkpoints possibly.
London tour
Kill at least one enemy inside The Reading Place, Aural Chic and both underground subways
This trophy must also be obtained in the mission 2. The goal will take you straight ahead to The Reading Place, but there are a few optional areas of the city: two metropolitan sections and the Aural Chic clothing store. In each of these areas there is at least one enemy, which must be killed to get the trophy.
- Metropolitan area 1: on the left, inside there are two terrorists with some hostages, you will have to go down the stairs and continue to see them.
- Aural Chich: To find the shop, follow the large neon sign which indicates it to you. Inside there is an enemy with a hostage
- Metropolitan area 2: On the right, there is no one inside but an enemy will run down when you enter and you can kill him with a headshot before he lets himself be blown up, then quickly exits.
- Reading Place: here you will have to go there following the mission and there are various enemies.
Love from above
In The Embassy, destroy 4 trucks using 4 drone strikes before they reach their destination.
During the mission 7 Captain Price will give you a laser pointer to show the drone where to strike. You will have to climb the ladder and get to the roof. Now the advice is to kill all enemies first by shooting normally. When they are all dead, wait for the civilian vehicle (blue car) to pass. They will come after 4 enemy trucks. You cannot use more than one bombing per vehicle if you want to get the trophy. In any case, if you make a mistake, you can reload from the checkpoint. To hit them you have to aim 5-10 meters in front to where they are. In order the trucks will arrive through the central area, then from the road to the left, back to the center and finally back to the center, about 20 seconds after the penultimate.
Pit Stop
Stop three tanks using Hadir's sniper rifle.
To get this trophy you will need to use Hadir's powerful sniper rifle in the mission 8 "Highway of death". At the end of this chapter white smoke will be thrown on the left side of the highway and they will spring into action four armored vehicles. Your goal is shoot three wheels for each of the trucks to stop them. It will be enough for you to stop just three of them, leaving one operational, to get the trophy.
As before, adjust your aim for wind and projectile loss of altitude. If you feel like you're wasting too much time, quickly load the checkpoint.
Road safety education
Shoot the bomb truck driver.
Always during the mission 8, when you get to about a third of the chapter, your goal is to stop a kamikaze truck. To get the trophy, just shoot the driver, as indicated by the game. In order to do this, you must first shoot at wooden boards that hide it. Obviously, the closer the truck gets, the easier it will be to aim. Here, too, you can use Hadir's sniper rifle.
Two pigeons
Kill both soldiers with one shot in Hometown.
During the mission 9 "Hometown", at the end, you have to steal a truck hiding from two soldiers. When you can, use the command to make Hadir's phone ring and distract the two. Quickly pick up the revolver, now that they have gone, get on the table and as soon as the two are lined up, shoot. It doesn't have to be a blow to the head, any part of the body is fine. You also have a checkpoint just before this part if you need to.
Tunnel mouse
In Wolf's Lair, complete the tunnels using only the 1911.
This trophy is essentially self-explanatory. During the mission 10 "Wolf's Lair" you will have to use only the gun. Since you fall into the dark tunnel, after the cutscene, the objective will start and you won't have to use any other weapons. You won't be able to use flashbangs or grenades either.
Be careful with the ammunition, which although present in quantity is not abundant. Of course, we recommend that you also do this mission on rookie difficulty and try to only do headshots. Once you get to the end and cut the cables, you will unlock the trophy.
Danger escaped
Never get hit by the sniper while escaping from prison.
During the mission 11 at some point you will find yourself in aarea with a sniper. To avoid its hits, keep an eye on the red laser which will tell you where it is aiming. As a general rule you have to try to run from cover to cover right after he fires a shot.
At first, take out all the enemies that come in the cars and then continue along the right side. When you get close to the sniper you will have a bridge to your right. Try to slide quickly under the bridge to take shelter behind the wall. Keep moving forward every time he misses a shot until you reach the building where he is hiding. As soon as you have killed him you will unlock the trophy. If you get hit, just reload from the checkpoint.
You have something on your face
Spit at Barkov.
This trophy is also essentially self-explanatory. During the mission 11, while being questioned by Barkov, when you can choose the dialogue line choose to spit in his face using the right stick. Don't use any dialogue lines.
Lethal exchange
Get at least one kill with eight different weapons while completing Old Companions.
This trophy is pretty simple to get. During the mission 12 "Old Comrades" you will have to collect all the different weapons that the enemies will drop and make a kill with each of them. At the beginning, when you can choose from the crate, take the M19, which is the rarest to find on the ground. The two weapons that you will find on the truck at the end of the mission do not count (M91 and RPG), so it is collect 5 weapons enemies: not a problem at all.
Lights off
In Radio Silence, turn off the power to 4 buildings.
During the mission 13 "Silence Radio" you can use some switches on the walls to turn off the lights.
- After passing the first group of enemies while looking for a passage inside, Captain Price will point out the switch.
- Behind the cottage with swimming pool.
- Left front side of the clock tower
- Right front side of the church
The night is ours
Kill all the enemies at the church, clock tower and swimming pool while preventing them from calling for reinforcements.
This probably is the most difficult trophy ever. As the description says, during the mission 13 "Silence Radio" you have to kill everyone without triggering alarms. In particular, this is valid from when the map opens, that is, since you will use the rope to lower yourself down and you will have the three objectives to control (Church, Clock Tower, Swimming Pool).
The advice is to proceed by killing all the enemies you see, but with great caution. If possible, use headphones and turn up the volume so that you can hear every noise and every voice. Remember that the enemies move around the area. The trophy will unlock when you have cleared all three areas of the mission. You can of course use checkpoints and also enemies can find the bodies without making it impossible to get the trophy. The important thing is that the enemies do not see you and shoot at you.
Various tips:
- When there are two enemies close, it is not a problem if one notices the other's death, but be quick to kill them both.
- Do not use grenades or flashlights as it will attract enemies and put them on alert.
- You can ignore the large building in the center from where the mission will continue - there is no need to kill those enemies.
- Use the switches outside the three buildings to turn off the lights. This will make them blind, but it will also put them on alert, so be careful.
- There is no need to kill enemies on the patrol vehicle, just avoid it and stay out of its light.
- Play with patience and if the trophy does not unlock take another round for some missing enemy.
- You can shoot a window to attract missing enemies.
- Recommended order: Clock Tower - Church - Pool
Enemy groups:
- Clock Tower: 10 enemies. You will find two upstairs and one at the rear exit of the building. The other 7 are inside or in the courtyard or in the street.
- Church: 13 enemies. 4 on the left side, 3 on the right, 4 inside, 2 around the area, usually near the left side.
- Pool: 12 enemies. 2 near the switch behind the building, 3 inside the swimming pool, 1 in the rear garden and 6 on the patrol between the outside and the roof.
Rain of missiles
Reach the entrance to Barkov's laboratory using only drone attacks.
During the mission 13, the last one, you will have to advance using only the laser pointer until you get to the top of the hill. You will not be able to shoot with other weapons, nor use grenades. The trophy will unlock when you reach the front door of the laboratory. The drone however has unlimited ammo, you just have to wait for it to recharge. Of course, we recommend making this trophy on recruit difficulty.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Special Operations
This mode has only one trophy, which as mentioned is actually optional: it is not used to obtain platinum.
Complete all Special Operations
Source: powerpyx.com
Other articles about Modern Warfare:
- Back 2 the past - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
- Special Campaign
- Back 2 the past - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
- Cross Play Guide
- Back 2 the past - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
- Review