Just a year after Origins
The "promise" made by Ubisoft, of not continuing to churn out games on the Assassins on an annual basis, did not last long, certainly thanks to the success of audiences and critics of Assassin's Creed Origins.
In fact, the title set in ancient Egypt has certainly revived a franchise that now seemed to be on the avenue of sunset. This is also due to the choice to work more time on the game, a decision also shared by the numerous fans, we are in fact well aware that for maintain the annual frequency of a title, hasty work will certainly have direct consequences on the gaming experience, often translated into bad publicity, sometimes resulting in the death of a franchise.
No one would have expected after the behavior of Ubisoft the announcement of a new one Assassin's Creed, in fact many were more likely to think about a probable Watch Dogs 3.
This is Sparta!!!
The indiscretion of the game's release comes from a “stolen” photo of a keychain bearing the figure of a Spartan helmet, which somehow confirmed the rumors that had been circulating in the sector for quite some time. After the sensational discovery, Ubisoft was forced to give official confirmation through a "particular" Tweet.
The twitter in question contains a mini-teaser trailer showing a man powerfully kicking another from a mountain ledge. The reference to the film "300" directed by Zack Snyder, where a mighty Leonidas (played by Gerard Butler) kicked his enemies shouting "This is Spartaaaa !!!"
See you at E3! pic.twitter.com/03NTPhCkCf
- Assassin's Creed (@assassinscreed) May 31, 2018
A journey that takes the best from previous titles.
From the various trailers and played in that of Los Angeles during the'E3, we understand very well which elements will distinguish this adventure in Hellenic land.
In fact, the game will see the return of some beloved features present in past games, one above all the return of naval battles, previously seen in part in Assassin's Creed Origins. It also inherited strong RPG mechanics from the previous title, a factor that has brought many innovations to the franchise.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey however, it has introduced many interesting innovations, those known to us are the following:
- Multiple choice dialogues will greatly influence the game's possible endings;
- From the beginning we can decide who to play as Alexios or Kassandra;
- The presence of constant dynamic weather will bring changes to the game, especially during the navigation phases;
- Parkour-based puzzles will also return;
- Contrary to the narrative of past times, the events of the present will not see the presence of optional elements;
- Compared to Origins, the Map will be much larger.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey it will be set in ancient Greece during the Peloponnesian War (to be clear, the Second Pelopponeso War), which sees the Peloponnesian League, led by the Spartans, as opposed to the Delian-Attic one, instead directed by the Athenians. For the sake of completeness, the war was won by the first deployment, ergo by the Spartans.
Our adventure will begin with the choice of the character, Alexios or Kassandra, exiled at an early age, but returned to defend their people, they are both descendants of the famous king Leonidas.
The discrepancy of dates between the Greek adventures and those of Bayek, they mean that the title will be set 400 years earlier than Origins it's a lot we will probably also see the return of Minerva and Juno.
The new setting, with very rich colors compared to the Egyptian desert environments, will show the beauty that only the Mediterranean scrub can offer.
This new chapter sinks deeply into the game mechanics of the previous title, appropriately refined and improved for this new adventure.
The aforementioned dialogue choice dynamics will certainly add spice to the game, the same goes for the RPG dynamics, which make Assassin's Creed Odyssey take another step towards this new style of play.
For the first time, the "love stories"And we will be able to decide with whom to face these relationships, always keeping in mind the system of choices. It will also be possible to engage in relationships with same-sex partners, in fact we know in Ancient Greece sexuality was seen as very free and bisexuality itself was no problem.
Despite Assassin's Creed Odyssey take clear inspiration in this from the previous chapter, there is no lack of additions, in fact sThe skills that our heroes will be able to show off in battle have finally been introduced, a possibility that will consume the stamina bar. You can wander from the rain of arrows, which certainly has a certain effect, to the iconic Spartan football, it will not be enough to press the sequence of buttons and that's it, precision will be needed, in fact in the last case, you will often find yourself kicking the air.
The old and dear combat-system that offered a level of challenge equal to drinking a glass of water is just a distant memory.
Despite the promise broken by the Ubisoft, hopefully Assassin's Creed Odyssey thanks to some new features and the welcome return of old features, will be able to offer what appears to be an interesting adventure in Ancient Greece. Regarding the rest ... we will find out only by living.