Resident Evil HD, here's our trophy guide.
Resident Evil HD Remaster is a high definition update of the eponymous title that was released in 2002 on Nintendo Gamecube. The game released on Gamecube was a reinterpretation of the original Resident Evil seen on PlayStation and Saturn. It had more added content, including new weapons, puzzles, enemies, and an expanded story. Despite these additions, even the game in its original form was anything but short. Players novice to this genre will spend a lot of time learning the game mechanics well, while veterans will have no trouble getting through the game quickly. Since the title is based on the style of the old Resident Evil, survival and careful use of ammunition plays a fundamental role rather than killing all the monsters encountered.
For questions and advice you can comment on the article or visit the Facebook page Soultricks.com.
Resident Evil HD Remaster is a survival horror and you can read our review HERE.
- Estimated Trophy Difficulty: 7/10
- Offline Trophies: 45 (28
- Online Trophies: 0
- Time required to get
/ 100%: 10-20 hours or more (for experienced players), 30-40 hours or more (for novices).
- Minimum number of runs for platinum: at least 4.
- Number of missing trophies: 18 -
I love snakes!
Sense of spider
Thanks, Rebecca!
Thanks, Barry!
Except… for now
Not today, Hunter
Trust him
Thanks, Chris!
Thanks, Jill!
A Scary Villa!
One for all…
… All for one
One and none
One and none
Race against Hell
Out in 180 minutes
On the edge of the knife
The ink of shame.
- Glitch Trophies: nobody.
- Does the difficulty affect the trophies? Yup.
- Do cheat codes disable trophies? There are no cheat codes available.
- 28 of which 20 secrets
- 15 of which 8 secrets
- 1
- 1
STARS Special Agent
Collect all other trophies to unlock platinum.
I love snakes!
Survive the first encounter with Yawn.
(This trophy can be missed, attention) The following trophy can be obtained by both characters on any difficulty. Once you have the Shield Key, you can meet Yawn in the attic; this is a fundamental requirement to recover a death mask present in the room. You don't have to fight Yawn, you could just pick up the mask and leave the room; however, to unlock the trophy you must deal enough damage to Yawn to make him retreat and earn the trophy. If you are playing as Jill and you have saved Richard, he will help you in the fight; let him fend for himself until he is killed by the snake. You finish the rest of the work.
It should be in a museum
Get the stone and metal item with Chris.
This trophy is only about Chris's adventure. To get the trophy you will have to defeat the Crimson Head Prototype in the graveyard and collect the stone and metal object that is in the coffin where the boss escaped.
Femme Fatale
Defeat a Prototype1 Crimson Head with Jill.
This trophy is about the story played with Jill. To get it, you will have to defeat the Crimson Head Prototype1 by playing with Jill. The battle will take place in an external area of the villa and will require four death masks to be dealt with. Once the boss is killed the trophy will be unlocked.
You don't need a bigger boat
Defeat Neptune.
You will meet Neptune for the first time in the shark aquarium; when you try to empty the water, he will attack the glass, triggering an event and time. First deactivate the safety and try to close the shutters, but they will lock. Move into the adjacent corridor and you will find three valves, one of which will restore the oil pressure for the penstocks. If you have no idea which it is, you will find a white board marked with the number of the valve to be activated. After restoring pressure to the penstocks, deactivate the safety again, close the penstocks and empty the water. Exit the control room and go to the next area. Now things can vary; you can use weapons or electricity to kill the shark. To save hits and fry it, try to collect the key, which will drop into the water while the shark awakens. Push the control console into the water. Now turn left and pull the lever to power up and kill Neptune without firing a shot. At the same time, if you use electricity to get the better of Neptune, you won't risk missing the trophy. On the edge of the knife.
Green thumb
Defeat Plant 42 with Chris.
This is a trophy regarding Chris's story. To unlock it you will have to defeat Plant 42 by playing with Chris. The battle with this boss takes place in the mansion and can be made easier if you create the J-Volt pesticide with Rebecca. To do this, however, you will have to let Richards die and not bring Rebecca the serum in time, and you will not be able to access her assault rifle. So the choice is yours. Remember that if you let Richard die when he is bitten by Yawn, you will not be able to unlock the trophy Except… for now. Defeating Plant 42 will unlock the trophy.
Are you the master of keys?
Get the Elmo key with Jill.
This trophy is about Jill's story. To unlock it you will have to defeat Plant 42 as Jill and then retrieve the Helm Key in her room. The battle will take place in the mansion and can be accomplished either by using weapons or by using the V-Jolt pesticide, the choice is yours. Once you have defeated the boss and collected the key, you will unlock the trophy.
Get Ultimate Book Vol. 2 featuring Chris.
This trophy is about Chris's story. To get it you will have to defeat Yawn inside the library. To access it, you must have the Helm Key which is obtained by defeating Plant 42. Once the boss is defeated, you can retrieve the book and earn this trophy.
I hate snakes!
Defeat Yawn with Jill.
This is a trophy regarding Jill's story. To get it you will have to defeat Yawn inside the library playing as Jill. To enter the library you need the Helm Key obtained by defeating Plant 42. Once Yawn is defeated, you will unlock the trophy.
Sense of spider
Defeat Black Tiger.
(Warning, this trophy can be missed) This trophy can be earned by both characters; to unlock it you will have to defeat Black Tiger in the caves under the mansion. You can safely avoid the battle by cutting the cobwebs on the opposite side of the room and running away. To get the trophy though, you'll have to kill the giant spider. Since this trophy can be missed, it is worth killing the boss as it is a pretty easy fight.
Experiment finished
Defeat Lisa Trevor with Chris.
This is a trophy related to Chris's story. To get it, you will have to defeat the boss Lisa Trevor in the caves that lead from the villa to the secret laboratories. Once you defeat Lisa, you will unlock the trophy.
Special infiltrator
Enter the lab with Jill.
This trophy is about Jill's story. To get it, you will have to defeat Lisa Trevor and then gain access to the secret labs located under the mansion. You will unlock the trophy once you take the elevator to the labs.
Profondo rosso
Defeat a Crimson Head.
This trophy can be obtained by both characters on any difficulty simply by killing a Crimson Head. The Crimson Head appears by killing zombies and leaving their bodies on the ground for some time (on higher difficulties, the time required for transformation is less). When enough time has passed, the zombie will stand up with reddish skin, increased attack power and increased speed. Simply kill one to unlock the trophy.
Hunter or prey?
Defeat a Hunter.
This trophy can be obtained by both characters on any difficulty simply by killing a Hunter. The Hunters will make their first appearance when you return to the mansion after recovering the Helm Key in the Keeper's House. You will be alerted to their presence by an intermission scene that will make their presentation. The assault rifle, magnum, and acid shots are very effective against Hunters. Kill one and you'll unlock the trophy.
Thanks, Rebecca!
Save Chris using Rebecca.
(Warning, this trophy can be missed) This trophy is for Chris only and can be obtained in two different places. You get your first chance by facing Yawn in the attic. If you get bitten by the snake, Chris will be poisoned and it will be up to Rebecca to save him by retrieving the serum. Get back to Chris with the serum in time and you'll earn the trophy. The second place where you can save Chris's life is during the battle against Plant 42; but it will only be possible if you have NOT saved Richard with the serum with Chris previously. By doing this, Rebecca will be able to create and administer V-Jolt to the roots of the plant, freeing Chris. Go back to Chris and the trophy will be unlocked.
Thanks, Barry!
Save Jill using Barry.
(Warning, this trophy may be missed) This is a trophy for Jill only and you will only be able to unlock it on one occasion during the game. The trophy can be unlocked by activating the trap in the room containing the shotgun, where the ceiling lowers to crush Jill. In order for the trophy to be unlocked, you must have met Barry at least once in the mansion. Enter the room with the shotgun located in the west area of the mansion. When you attempt to leave and get trapped, inspect both doors for Barry to come and rescue you and unlock the trophy.
Except… for now
Save Richard with a serum.
(Warning, this trophy can be missed) This trophy can be obtained with both characters, but can easily be missed. Once you have the Armor Key, you will be able to access a room where you will find Richard slowly dying. You will meet Rebecca who will instruct you to go and retrieve the serum to save Richard's life. You have 6 minutes to go to the place marked on the map, collect the serum and return to Richard. If you return in time you will be able to save his life and then unlock the trophy. By letting him die, you won't get the trophy or Richard's assault rifle.
Not today, Hunter
Save Rebecca from a Hunter.
(Warning, this trophy may be missed) This is a trophy dedicated exclusively to Chris and can only be obtained on one occasion in the game. Once the Hunters enter the mansion, you'll need to explore and collect some story-related items; one of which is the Emblem Key. This key only opens one door in the game, and once opened, you will hear screaming. From here on you will have 4 minutes to reach the studio and save Rebecca from the Hunter. If you don't make it in time she will die, likewise, if you enter the room but hesitate for a few seconds, the Hunter will kill Rebecca. Kill the Hunter and you'll unlock the trophy.
Trust him
Save Barry from Lisa Trevor.
(Warning, this trophy can be missed) This trophy can only be obtained with Jill and only on one occasion in the game. Once you have two objects of stone and metal, go to the entrance of the laboratory; there you will find yourself with Barry. Jill will disarm him and Lisa Trevor will arrive. Give Barry his gun back to unlock the trophy.
Thanks, Chris!
Free Jill from the cell using Chris.
(Warning, this trophy can be missed) This is a trophy dedicated to Chris and can easily be skipped. To get it you need to get all 3 MO disks in the game and use them in specific terminals located in the lab. Once used, you'll need to finish the first battle against the Tyrant to kick off the self-destruct sequence or to get the Master Key from Wesker. When these requirements are met, enter the door unlocked by the MO disks, go to the cell and free Jill to unlock the trophy.
Thanks, Jill!
Free Chris from the cell using Jill.
(Warning, this trophy can be missed) This is a trophy that can only be obtained with Jill, and can be missed easily. To get it you need to get all 3 MO disks in the game and use them in specific terminals located in the lab. Once used, you'll need to finish the first battle against the Tyrant to kick off the self-destruct sequence or to get the Master Key from Wesker. When these requirements are met, enter the door unlocked by the MO discs, go to the cell and free Chris to unlock the trophy.
One for all…
Finish the game with Chris by saving Jill and Rebecca.
(Warning, this trophy may be missed) This is a trophy only obtainable with Chris. It is not very difficult to obtain, Rebecca will take care of herself for most of the game; but you must make sure to save her from the Hunter and control her after defeating the Tyrant for the first time. The biggest problem is that Rebecca will join you in the final battle against the Tyrant, and you'll have to distract him enough to keep Rebecca from dying. Saving Jill is not a problem as she will be locked up in jail until the end of the game. So keep Rebecca alive and remember to rescue Jill from prison and you'll unlock the trophy after defeating the Tyrant for the second time.
… All for one
Finish the game with Jill by saving Chris and Barry.
(Warning, this trophy may be missed) This is a trophy only obtainable with Jill. Barry will make do most of the time in the game, but remember to return the gun to him when you meet Lisa Trevor and check him out after defeating the Tyrant for the first time. Barry will join you in the final battle against the Tyrant, keep the Tyrant busy so that Barry doesn't get killed. Saving Chris is no problem as he will be incarcerated until the end of the game. Take care to keep Barry alive and remember to rescue Chris from prison and you will unlock the trophy after defeating the Tyrant for the second time.
One and none
Finish the game with Chris without saving anyone.
(Warning, this trophy can be missed) This trophy is about Chris and technically it can be missed if you overwrite a save after saving any of the characters. Create several saves during your games, and when you have saved one of the two characters try to remember the save used. Reload a previous save, let Rebecca be killed by the Hunter, don't free Jill from the cell and defeat the Tyrant for the second time. You will unlock the trophy once you leave the mansion aboard the helicopter.
One and none
Finish the game with Jill without saving anyone.
(Warning, this trophy can be missed) This trophy is about Jill and technically it can be missed if you overwrite a save after saving any of the characters. Create several saves during your games, and when you have saved one of the two characters try to remember the save used. Reload a previous save, don't return the gun to Barry during the fight with Lisa Trevor, don't rescue Chris from the lab cells. You will unlock the trophy once you leave the mansion aboard the helicopter.
It was just a test!
Finish the game on Beginner difficulty or higher.
Beat the game on Principiance difficulty or higher with Chris or Jill. Beginner is the lowest difficulty level available; there are more healing items, more ammo, Chris and Jill can take more damage, the enemies are weaker and the number of them is less. The trophy is also unlocked by playing on higher difficulty.
I went easy on it
Finish the game on Easy difficulty or higher.
Beat the game on Easy difficulty or higher with Chris or Jill. Easy is the second difficulty that the game makes available; there are more healing items than on Normal difficulty, but they may differ from Beginner difficulty. Chris and Jill can take a lot of damage and the enemies are weaker than the Normal level. This trophy is also unlocked by playing on higher difficulties.
A normal working day
Finish the game on Normal difficulty or higher.
Beat the game on Normal or higher with Chris or Jill. Normal is the standard difficulty level and is the highest level available in your first game. Compared to the simpler difficulties there are fewer healing items available, less ammo. Chris and Jill cannot take the same damage as the minor difficulties, the enemies are tougher and their numbers are greater than the other lower difficulties.
Survival Horror veteran
Finish the game on Hard difficulty.
Beat the game on Hard difficulty or higher with Chris or Jill. Hard is the highest difficulty available among the special ones and is only available by finishing the game once on Normal difficulty. Enemies can take more damage and have greater attack strength. In addition, the healing items and ammunition are fewer in number.
True Survival
Finish the game in True Survival mode.
In order to enter True Survival mode, you must finish the game with both characters, using the "Play Again" mode, and at least once on Normal level. To unlock the trophy, you must finish the game in True Survival mode with Chris or Jill; we recommend using Jill for this mode. There are a few things to keep in mind for True Survival mode:
- The difficulty is set to Hard and the enemies are strong.
- Auto-aim is off, you'll need to manually aim at all enemies.
- The boxes to leave the items are not connected to each other, so you will have to remember where you leave the items.
- If you have obtained special weapons in previous games, you will not be able to use them.
With closed eyes
Finish the game in Invisible Enemies mode.
To enter Invisible Enemies mode, you must finish the game in True Survival mode with any character. To unlock the trophy you will have to finish the Invisible Enemies mode with Chris or Jill; we recommend using Chris for this mode. Some things to keep in mind for this mode:
- You can choose the difficulty, select Beginner to not have too many problems.
- Auto-aim is disabled, you have to manually aim where you think the enemies are.
- If you have obtained special weapons, they will not be available.
Despite appearances, this mode is not as prohibitive as it might seem; the enemies are in the same place as your other previous games. Also, enemies will stop being invisible when they bring their attacks. With a little training you will do it without major problems.
Two super STARS
Finish the game with Chris and Jill.
To unlock the trophy you must finish the game with both characters on any difficulty. Make sure you are playing using the “Play Again…” option and not starting an entire game from scratch.
King of Team Alpha
Finish the game with Chris.
Beat the game on any difficulty with Chris to unlock the trophy.
Queen of Team Alpha
Finish the game with Jill.
Beat the game on any difficulty with Jill to unlock the trophy.
Welcome to Resident Evil
Die for the first time.
Do exactly what the trophy description says: die. Sooner or later it will happen during your first few games; if you want to speed up the process, play the higher difficulty available using Jill, as she can take less damage than Chris and will die sooner.
Dead walking
Defeat a zombie.
Do exactly what the trophy says: kill a zombie. These are the weakest enemies present since the beginning of the game; fire enough shots at them until they fall to the ground and bleed. By doing so you will earn the relevant trophy.
Cooked… and gone
Burn a zombie.
After killing a zombie, and seeing its body on the ground bleed, you will need to have kerosene and a lighter with you in order to burn the corpse. Simply use the kerosene near the corpse and you will see its body burn, thus obtaining the trophy.
Burn two zombies together with the lighter.
Trophy identical to Cooked… and gone, with the only exception that there must be two zombies. It will not happen infrequently to meet two or more zombies wandering the villa; Shoot down two neighbors, set the corpse on fire and they will both burn.
Race against hell
Finish the game in 5 hours.
(Warning, this trophy can be missed) The trophy requires you to finish the game in 5 hours or less. While it might seem difficult, it can be tackled to any difficulty; it will be of great help to learn the game thoroughly and the fastest routes to tackle. Feel free to play Beginner difficulty to avoid major difficulties. Be careful because you will not be able to stop the game timer in any way.
Out in 180 minutes
Finish the game in 3 hours.
(Warning, this trophy may be missed) As with the Race Against Hell trophy, it will be essential to know the game in all its aspects. Choose the Beginner difficulty to avoid major difficulties, and try to avoid unnecessary clashes to save precious time. Not even in this case there is the possibility to stop the game timer, so you have to face the whole adventure in one breath.
On the edge of the knife
Finish the game with the knife only (no lighter, tactical items or crushing zombie heads).
(Warning, this trophy can be missed) Probably one of the hardest trophies. However, you can play the Beginner difficulty for an easier time. As the trophy itself says, you can't burn corpses, use tactical items, or crush the heads of crawling zombies; the only exception is to use the rocket launcher to defeat the Tyrant at the helipad. Since other weapons are not allowed, we recommend using Chris, as he can sustain a greater amount of damage than Jill, thus giving you a greater chance of success.
The ink of shame
Finish the game without saving.
(Warning, this trophy can be missed) Trophy that sounds difficult, but fortunately can be unlocked on any difficulty. Select Beginner, use Chris and all the weapons at your disposal without skimping on shots.
Living Arsenal
Get all weapons (load grenade launcher with all kinds of grenades).
This trophy requires you to play with both characters to unlock, as Chri and Jill can find unique weapons. Only Chris can find the flamethrower, while Jill can get Barry's grenade launcher and Magnum 44. All other weapons can be found by both characters; Special weapons must also be obtained by finishing the game quickly to unlock the trophy. Remember to play via the “Play Again…” option to get the special weapons as well.
Weapons List:
Combat knife: Chris has it early in the game
Survival knife: Jill has it early in the game. It is also found in Black Tiger's lair.
Gun: Jill's gun that Chris finds in the mansion lobby. Jill has had it since the beginning of the game.
Rifle: Chris will find it by unlocking a room in the west wing of the mansion using a small key. Collect the broken shotgun and replace it with the working one to avoid the ceiling trap. Jill can use her lockpick in the same room and overcoming the same trap to get it.
Assault rifle: Chris must save Richard by finding the serum fast enough; once saved, continue with the game. Upon reaching the shark tank, Richard will sacrifice himself to save you. Continue into the aquarium level and you will find the assault rifle once the tank water is emptied. Jill has to save Richard by bringing the serum fast enough; once safe continue with the game. When you reach the attic, you will be attacked by Yawn; Richard will join you in the battle. After taking enough damage, the snake will eat Richard and you will be able to pick up his assault rifle. If you leave the room, Richard will die and you won't be able to get the assault rifle.
Launchers: Only Jill can get it. After collecting the Armor Key, you can open a porch on the second floor in the east wing of the villa's hall. You'll find Forest Speyer's corpse with the grenade launcher nearby. Collect the weapon from the corpse. At first it will only be loaded with grenades; you will have to find the incendiary and acid bullets throughout the game and load the grenade launcher with these shots to unlock the trophy.
.357 Magnum (Graveyard) - Both characters: After obtaining the Armor Key, you will be able to enter the room where you have to solve the puzzle of the decoy and the bee. Once you have solved the puzzle you will get the wind stone. With the wind stone, go to the cemetery and use the stone in one of the two tombstones. Collect the three symbols, examine them and use them in the left grave to get the .357 Magnum.
Self defense gun - Both characters: After reaching the caretaker's house, enter dormitory 001; you will need the item found in the bathtub. Check the desk to get the weapon.
Flamethrower (Caves) - Chris only: When you reach the caves with Chris, you will find this weapon leaning against a pressure switch outside the Black Tiger boss room. Pick it up and use it, but remember that you will then have to leave it on the other push switch. Playing with Jill the weapon simply won't be there.
Barry's 44 Magnum (Lab) Jill only: After obtaining the two stone and metal objects, you will arrive in another underground area where you will meet Barry. Jill will disarm him and take his gun before Lisa Trevor makes an appearance. Barry will ask you for his gun back. Refuse to give it to him and you can pick it up after Lisa gets rid of Barry. ATTENTION: By doing this you will not be able to unlock the trophy … All for one
Rocket launcher (Lab) - Both characters: The rocket launcher is available during the second battle with the Tyrant. You will have to do enough damage to the Tyrant or wait for the countdown to reach 30 seconds and Brad will throw it on the helipad; use it to finally eliminate the monster. This weapon is not available if you haven't saved Rebecca with Chris or Barry with Jill during your adventure.
Samurai Edge (Game Over) - Both Characters: The Samurai Edge is unlocked by finishing the game on Normal or Hard difficulty within 5 hours. If you succeed, you will receive a notification on the final statistics screen. You will find the weapon in your character's inventory when you play with the "Play Again ..." option.
Infinite Rocket Launcher (Game Over) - Both Characters: The rocket launcher with infinite ammo is unlocked by finishing the game on Normal or Hard difficulty within 3 hours. If you succeed, you will receive a notification on the final statistics screen. You will find the weapon in your character's inventory when you play with the "Play Again ..." option.
What a style!
Get all costumes.
This trophy is quite easy, requiring you to complete the game four times, twice with Chris and twice with Jill. The difficulty or ending won't affect you, just beat the game twice with both characters. Be sure to do this by playing with the “Play Again…” option.
A scary villa!
Visit all areas of the map.
(Warning, this trophy can be missed) This trophy can easily be missed, as its description could be misleading. To unlock the trophy, it will not be enough to visit all areas of the map, but also to collect all the objects present in the various rooms. Playing on higher difficulties the trophy is easier, since the presence of healing items and ammunition is less than on lower difficulties. Also keep in mind that there are two rooms that as the story progresses will be stocked with items by Wesker or Barry. Regardless of the difficulty you select, the advice is to use Jill, as her inventory allows you to carry two more items than Chris. An easy way to keep track of which rooms you have already cleared of items is to use the game map; the red areas indicate that there are still objects to be collected in that room; conversely, the white areas indicate rooms that no longer contain anything. Keep in mind that the various files and documents present in the various areas of the villa also count towards the trophy, so remember to collect everything you will find. You can retrace your steps in any area of the mansion until you initiate the self-destruct sequence in the lab. If you need to go back to the mansion, but you have already inserted the two stone and metal objects into the entrance gate, try going through the door, and answer "No" to the question that will be asked.
For questions on individual trophies and advice, you can comment on the article or visit the Facebook page Soultricks.com.