WhatsApp changed its terms of service, many people decided not to stick to the rules and decided to find an alternative. And if many think about Telegram, well, it doesn't. In fact, the most downloaded messaging app is Signal. But what changes in the new terms of service?
Many people logging into WhatsApp like every day, they found themselves a message from the developers, which explains that there will be major changes to the application's terms of service. This is because there will be aeven more thrust of data between WhatsApp and Facebook. It must be said that this sharing will not take place within the European Union, so if you have seen this message, do not be too alarmed.
Use Signal
- Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 7, 2021The question that many are asking is: why not Telegram? What is Signal? In short, the numerous downloads they are due to Elon Musk. Yes, the SpaceX founder shared a simple message on Twitter: "Use Signal".
Obviously, it is an invitation to abandon WhatsApp to make room for this "new" application. All followers of the entrepreneur have started bulk download Signal, also causing delays, as witnessed by the developers themselves.
Yes, due to the huge number of registrations, the typical verification numbers didn't come quickly. This wave of downloads has sent the messaging app skyrocketing, as you can see below:
Look at what you've done. ?? pic.twitter.com/veljAlPmEU
- Signal (@signalapp) January 9, 2021As for our motherland, Signal is the second app in the “Trendy” section of Google Play Store (so these are Android devices, ed). Microsoft products did not stay on the sidelines, and used this wave of discontent against WhatsApp to remind everyone that Skype, the well-known software also available for smartphones, respects privacy and does not sell personal data.
And Telegram? Well, the developers didn't miss the chance to make fun of WhatsApp and Facebook in one fell swoop. How? With a meme!
- Telegram Messenger (@telegram) January 8, 2021In short, it seems that WhatsApp is losing ground after these changes to the terms of service. Would you switch messaging apps if the European Union approves these new terms?