Doctor, call a Doctor!
Dr. Mario World is the new Nintendo mobile game, which landed on our Android and iOS devices a few days ago.
Players from all over the world have eagerly tried this puzzle game based on viruses and colored pills.
This version in particular also allows you to choose "your" doctor (after finishing a series of tutorial levels), in fact you can choose between the legendary plumber, the archenemy Bowser, Princess Peach and many others (you will have to buy them).

Each character is distinguished according to their abilities, the latter can be used as an aid in times of difficulty.
But today we are here to give you a series of tips that can always lead you to victory.
1. Hire Assistants
Every doctor needs assistants to best perform their function. In Dr. Mario World, you will not have these valuable helpers available from the beginning, in fact they will be unlocked after successfully completing the introductory levels.
To unlock an Assistant you will need to pay 4.000 coins in the shop, or if you prefer, unsheath your credit card.
In any case, keep in mind that you will not be able to choose the assistant you want, in fact the game uses a completely random system.
2. Rotate the pills before moving
As soon as you see the next pill appear at the bottom of the screen, wait, take a deep breath and analyze the situation on the screen. Dr. Mario World unlike the console counterpart, it allows you to rotate the pill before making the move. Profitable, isn't it?
3. Nothing is thrown away!
If after eliminating a row of viruses, the other half of the pill is still available, do not drop it at the bottom, drag it with your fingers and take it where it can be most useful to you. Even for this type of move, the rules of the standard pills apply.
4. A pill to tame them and in the dark bind them
Sometimes it takes very little to defeat evil, a ring, oops, a pill could save your game.
Not only will saving pills earn you bonus points at the end of the match, but if you study the battlefield carefully, you can eliminate multiple viruses in one fell swoop.
5. We are losing it
If, like myself, patience is not your strong point and waiting could make you lose the patient, you can speed up the move, dragging the pill with your fingers right where it is needed and defeating the evil.
Old but Gold: the Doctor's recipes
In Dr. Mario World, recipes are the equivalent of quests. There are many tasks to perform while playing.
By completing them you will be rewarded with coins, so always check what you have to do, do not forget that collecting coins is important for the game economy, if in fact you want to acquire a new Assistant or Doctor, you must have 4.000 coins.
Well, you are ready to exterminate hordes of evil viruses with Dr. Mario World! We hope you found this mini-guide useful.
Please let us know if you are playing the new Big N app and are enjoying it.