The two legendaries will sport a red "dress"!
The Pokémon Company's support for the latest titles released on Nintendo 3DS, namely Pokémon Sun / Ultra Sun and Moon / Ultra Moon, is not over yet. The company, in fact, has announced the free distribution of Solgaleo and Lunala in shiny version from 1st October to 15th November.
All owners of a copy of the above games will be able to go to one of the stores participating in the initiative (such as GameStop) and receive a code that can be used only once to receive one of the two legendaries. When placed in Pokémon Sun / Ultra Sun, players will receive Lunala shiny, while if placed in Pokémon Moon / Ultra Moon they will receive Solgaleo shiny.
Both Pokémon will appear red and will be level 60, while their known moves will be as follows:
Solgaleo shiny
- Cozzata Zen
- Astrocharge
- Mattindoro
- Scream
Lunala shiny
- Psychoshock
- Shadow Ray
- Moonlight
- Lunar Force
To receive the legendaries, simply start the game, select the "Secret gift" option in the menu, then "Receive gift" and enter your code. Once this is done, all you have to do is visit any Pokémon Center and talk to the postman or postman to get Lunala or Solgaleo shiny.