On the thirteenth floor of the Miramostri hotel you will find the fitness center. This floor houses another elevator button and six gems to collect. To help you collect all of the fitness center gems, check out the XNUMXth floor gem location guide.
Before proceeding take a look at the other published guides:
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Guide: where to find all the gems of floors B2 and B1
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Guide: where to find all the gems of floors 1 and 2
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Guide: where to find all the gems of floors 3 and 4
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Guide: where to find all the gems of floors 5 and 6
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Guide: where to find all the gems of floors 7 and 8
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Guide: where to find all the gems of floors 9 and 10
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Guide: where to find all the gems of floors 11 and 12
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Guide: where to find all the gems of floors 13 and 14
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Guide: where to find all the gems of floor 15
Location gems floor 13
Location of the yellow gem: Case in the elevator room
In the elevator room, go as Gommiluigi to the center circle in the room. This will open the chest on the right. Use Gommiluigi or Luigi's vacuum to suck up the yellow gem.
Location of the white gem: Ghost in the gym
Inside the gym, approach the right side of the desk and illuminate it with the dark light to reveal a bell. Walk left, get away from the bell and it will ring. Go back to the bell and ring it a few times, this way a ghost will appear. Defeat the ghost to get the white gem.
Location of the blue gem: enter the locker room
Head to the bathroom inside the locker room. On the opposite wall there is a sign indicating the swimming pool. Shoot something (ball or boxing glove) at the sign to reveal the Blue Gem.
Location of the red gem: hidden toilet in the weight room
There is a scale in the rear right corner of the weight room. Send Luigi to the scales, then move on to Gommiluigi. You will see the open toilet reflected in the mirror. Take Gommiluigi to the locker and vacuum the red gem.
Location of the purple gem: ghost in the training room
On the opposite wall of the training room is a stereo. Use the flashlight on the stereo to turn it on. Move the stereo to channel 3 using the flashlight. Once this is done, go to the treadmills and take out the white ghost so you can get the purple gem.
Green gem location: Drain in the shower
After cleaning the shower, send Gommiluigi down the drain. Ask the slime protagonist to rotate the valve so that it closes. Go down to the right and walk through the grid to reach the green gem.
Collect all the gems listed above to unlock the achievement "Collect all the gems of the fitness center "
Location gems floor 14
On the fourteenth floor of the hotel you will find an area called The Dance Hall / Ballroom. On this floor is the final elevator button and six gems. To help you collect all of The Dance Hall's gems, use our XNUMXth floor gem location guide.
Location of the yellow gem: inside the hidden vault in the elevator room
The yellow gem can be found inside the hidden vault in the elevator room. To access the Hidden Vault it is necessary to illuminate all the areas nearby by entering the Elevator Room. Once this is done, go down the stairs and send Gommiluigi into the vault to get the gem.
Location of the purple gem: block in the elevator room
Inside the elevator room, head to the left side of the room and vacuum the turntable on the wall. This way a block will move. Switch to Gommiluigi and jump on the block until the purple gem appears.
Green Gem Location: Coat Check in Elevator Hall
Head right into the elevator hall to reach a cloakroom and merchandise. Go inside and pull the poster off the wall to access the cloakroom. Suck all the coats on the left wall to make the green gem appear.
Location of the blue gem: wig on the head in the dance floor
Upon the defeat of DJ Phantasmagloria there will be two unlit areas on the dance floor. Place Luigi and Gommiluigi on both squares to make a "Super Suction" socket appear. Use that socket to vacuum the back wall area of the room to reveal a hidden room. Inside this room, use the flashlight on the glowing disc to make the stairs appear on the left and right sides of the dance floor.
Also in this room are several heads with lighted wigs. Go to the right side of the room to find a head without a wig. Use the dark light on the head to make a wig appear. Vacuum the wig to get the blue gem.
Location of the white gem: Ghost in the ballroom
On the left side of the Dance Floor is floating glass. Use the dark light on the glass to reveal a table below it. A ghost will appear from this table. Defeat it to get the white gem.
Location of the red gem: Inside the disco ball of the dance hall
Use Luigi and Gommiluigi to turn the discs on the left and right sides of the Dance Floor. Do this until the disco ball falls. The red gem you are looking for will come out of the disco ball.
Collect all six of the gems listed above to unlock the Collect All Gems of The Dance Hall achievement.