Seguilo finché non ti segue

The more subtle the approach, the more successful it will be. So to start follow it!The other won't pay attention to you if he doesn't even know you're there. Then go with it. Doesn't he follow you? Unfollow it and try again a week later to get a new alert. And so on. Feel free to change your nickname, sometimes a mysterious nickname is more appealing.
I like it, I like it, I like it

Your interest will pique his

Create complicity

Don't hesitate to rely on your commonalities: for example, if you know your crush likes a Mojito at cocktail hour, drag a Mojito into your next story. Discreetly, reiterate with his favorite neighborhood, his faculty premises, his adored sport … No need to spy and insist. The idea is simply to create a post that can grab their attention and cause a reaction, like a smile, a thumb or better, a nice word. She's up to you to play.