The north does not forget
Probably such a large number of "indignados" had never been seen. Plastic in the oceans, world hunger, warfare, poaching, none of this has managed to capture the attention and indignation of millions of people in all parts of the world such aseighth season of Game of Thrones, the iconic HBO TV series (and this speaks volumes about the fate of humanity). Having made this obligatory premise, let's move on to the facts: Change.org, the well-known platform that collects petitions from users from all over the world, has in fact announced that the petition with the explanatory title "Remake Game of Thrones Season 8 with competent writers" (Replay Game of Thrones season 8 with knowledgeable writers) has reached 400.000 signatures. This is such a sensational result, even for the very short time in which this number of subscribers has been reached, that the news has also been reported by some international press organs such as The Guardian.
The petition reads: “David Benioff and DB Weiss have proved to be terribly incompetent writers with no source material (ie books) to rely on” and again the final invocation “This series deserves a sensible last season. Subvert my expectations and make it happen HBO! "
Although this appears somewhat ridiculous and decidedly unlikely, among the reasons behind the petition that can be read not only in the comments of the subscribers but also on the forums and social networks, there are those that we have also highlighted in previous articles (ATTENTION TO SPOILER: Game of Thrones: all the leaks on the last episode; Game of Thrones, the entire cast is very disappointed by the season finale) or hasty plot advancement, twists not properly set or motivated, characterization of the characters decidedly inconsistent with their evolutionary arc.
At the moment HBO has not yet responded to any of the criticisms advanced, nor the two accused screenwriters, Benioff and Weiss, who have actually announced that after the last episode they will unplug the phone and get drunk to not listen to any criticism. But the problems for them may not be over yet. Disney through the CEO, Bob Iger has confirmed that the two writers have been hired for a new Star Wars trilogy whose first episode will probably arrive by December 2020, after "The Rise of Skywalker".
Considering that the Star Wars fandom is among the most vindictive and hysterical known (even Lucas has been bitterly contested for his choices on Episodes I, II and III) and that the "north does not forget", things are really going bad for Benioff and Weiss