Avid collectors.
Dishonored 2 may offer a not exactly long single player story mode, however there are so many collectibles scattered around the chapters waiting to be found. If in a recent guide we showed you where to find all the runes to enhance the skills of Corvo and Emily, this time it's up to the paintings. As with the first title in the series, Dishonored 2 also hides several paintings, recovering them all will also unlock the related trophy / game objective. Let's see where they are hidden: we will follow the order of the main missions.
A Long Day in Dunwall
The first painting can be found on the right in the Dunwall Streets escape route, just before coming out to safety. The second is instead located in the Galvani Building. Look for a small apartment along the street, with only one guard inside. In the second of the rooms of the apartment you will find the second painting.
Edge of the World
In the second mission, just before entering the canal area, look for a back street marked with a single apartment on it. Enter and go to the second floor to find a painting. Another can be found on the third floor of the superintendent's building where you will be forced to enter to complete the second mission. It is near the place where you will also find the rune. Again, you will find a third painting in Hypatia's apartment, opposite the Winslow Safe Company. Look in the main hall.
The Good Doctor
When you meet the Wall of Light on the first floor, look immediately to the right to locate the first painting in the area. Take down the elevator cables, then use the Blink or Far Reach to jump from the first floor into the elevator shaft. At this point, go down to the basement and look for the painting on the left wall. That's not all: once you reach the Hypatia area, look to the right of his workshop to find another painting hanging on the wall.
The Clockwork Mansion
Use the Blink or Far Reach to jump onto a group of pipes in the main area, then use the power again to move to a balcony that always overlooks this area. You will find a small apartment where you can enter. If you look immediately to the side, as soon as you enter, you will notice a painting hanging on the wall. Continuing, locate the mayor's office and climb up using the Blink or Far Reach once more. Once inside, on the left wall you will find another painting.
After arriving in the Upper Aventa District, move through the Wall of Light and look outside for a brown painted tent. Use Blink or Far Reach to climb up to an open window and take the painting from the next room. The next can be found in Sokolov's rooms, at the back of the Assessment Chamber.
That's not all: you can find another painting in Jindosh's workshop. He is on an easel, behind a very large desk. The last of the paintings is on the second floor, you should be able to get there from Jindosh's bathroom. Use the nearby Configuration Mechanism to change the look of the room and be able to grab the painting.
The Royal Conservatory
Enter the condemned buildings after going through the wall of light. There are Bloodflies and Nestkeepers here, so take them out and then head into a large room to find the painting. After dealing with Breanna Ashworth, you will find a second one inside her office. Unlock the archives in the basement and look for a small room behind this area. You can use Blink or Far Reach behind a bookcase to gain access. Inside you will naturally find another painting.
The Dust District
Head to Crone's Hand Saloon and look for the first two paintings on the second floor, inside the large apartment that Paolo currently calls his home. The next painting can be found near the superintendent building.
Crack in the Slab
Here is a crypt where you can go from the dining room area. To access, go to the present using the Timepiece, then go back to the past once inside. Inside you will find a painting and a Blueprint. The next painting, on the other hand, is a bit difficult to recover. Head into the courtyard with the Bloodflies and climb a hill to the second floor. Move around on the balcony and look for a nearby window with a Document on it. Now move into the past and take out the worker and the guard who preside over the window. Since they will not be able to continue their work, the window will never be repaired, and by returning to the present you will be able to enter. This will give you access to a balcony, and returning to the past you can recover the painting. There are several guards, so have your weapons ready.
The Grand Palace
Look for an apartment with a mill before you reach the Wall of Light. Use Far Reach or Blink to go down to the balcony from the mill, then clear out the Bloodfly nests inside to find the painting in the bedroom. For the second painting, head into the building and then go up to the third floor. Look to the right side of the building to find it next to a large piano.
A third painting in the building can be found on the third floor of the vast structure. Move to the left side of the building (from where you got access to the third floor) and look for a large area dedicated to offices. There is a Clockwork soldier inside, so take him out and then do the painting.
Death to the Empress
Before moving to Dunwall Tower, locate the gazebo at the opening of the first game. Jump to the wall to your left and use the crossbow to take out the Gravehounds in the lower garden. You will find the last painting a little further on, near the wall.