The wait Destiny 2 Season of the Intrepid is almost upon us. There are only four days left to launch and Bungie has decided to give some advances on the event through an infographic.
From 10 March it will be possible to try theTorre del Serafino event, a new PvE activity that will reward players with legendary weapons and armor. on March 13 instead, it will be the turn of PVP evidence of Osiris which will be available every weekend. Instead, from 10 to 24 March, the Seraph's Bunker will be available: ZME and LUNA - Legendary Lost Sectors.
Since April, to be exact since 21 Calvary will start: Grand Master, a new Strikes Mode Nightfall with a new seal and endgame rewards. On the same date and until May 11, there will be the free event The Games of the Guardians, a class competition that will donate a new legendary armor. From 7 April, however, there will be the seraph's bunker: IO - legendary lost sectors.