What they are and where to find them.
Battlefield 1, like its predecessors, offers a large assortment of weapons to choose from, divided into four categories according to game classes. The work to be done to find the right weapon for your missions and specialty is therefore not indifferent. To make your life easier, we are here, with a guide that will show you the most powerful and useful weapons for each of the game classes. We will also indicate the reasons for our preference and the most effective methods to use them to the fullest.
Doctor: Selbstlader M1916
If you play as the doctor, you will not be looking for a weapon capable of killing the greatest number of enemies in the shortest time available. Rather, you will need one that can get you out of trouble in case things go wrong. You may be tempted to leave the default shotgun in your equipment, since combat is certainly not your forte, however it is a little too slow to get you out of a difficult situation. The best option is a balanced pistol with a rate of fire fast enough to keep enemies you might run into at bay, and at the same time stable enough to keep your aim firmly on target. In short, you need the Selbstlader M1916.
Support: M1909 Benet Mercie
If you play in the Support class you will be in luck: you will immediately be given a perfect weapon for your purposes. Equipped with a good firepower, a fairly wide attack range, manageable, it is perfectly suited to the versatility of this class of play. So why should you buy the M1909 Benet Mercie right away? Because it is even better than the default weapon, as it features a higher rate of fire, better handling and more accurate accuracy. A good alternative is also the BAR M1918, but only if you like remote stalking: it is equipped with a viewfinder and a riser, to be able to aim and fire while you are in ambush.
Scout: Russian 1895
Numerous players of the Scout class have now become fond of the Gewehr 98, since it is a weapon capable of hitting even at long distances, but the time between shots is always the weak point of sniper rifles. That's why we advise you to opt for the Russian 1895, a rifle capable of hitting at medium distances but very fast, capable of being particularly useful when you miss a shot to the head and you have to quickly remedy the mistake before being overwhelmed. The large scope size also gives you a view that is impossible to find in other sniper rifles, and this is another feature that is too often considered secondary, when in reality it can prove essential. Expanding your normally limited perimeter vision can make a difference.
Assault: M97 Trench Backbored
The assault class is the most familiar with shotguns, and a short-range blast is capable of knocking out most enemy troops without too much trouble no matter which weapon you choose. Starting from this consideration, it is wise to also focus on another feature such as accuracy. A weapon capable of offering an excellent balance between the two factors is precisely the M97 Trench Backbored.