Staying alive, managing the loot and cooperating, sometimes it doesn't take much
Shoot the bad guys, stay in the circle and revive your teammates. Up to here even children would get there, but keep in mind that in the heat of battle something can always escape.
We've been playing Apex Legends a lot over the past couple of days, and we want to teach you what we've learned about the Respawn Entertainment kids' Battle Royale.
How many colors ...
Many things will not be taught to you during training, you will have to learn them by strafing at full blast. When you meet an enemy, you will notice the typical presence of "damage numbers", these figures will also help you understand what kind of armor your opponent is wearing, also making you understand if you will have to sweat seven shirts to earn the kill.
Here is the type of armor based on the colors of the "damage numbers":
- Red: No armor;
- White: 1st level armor;
- Blue: 2nd level armor;
- Purple: 3rd level armor.
Apex Legends focuses heavily on team play, only by collaborating will you have a chance of victory. Precisely for this reason it is possible to report something to your teammates, especially if you are not fond of microphones.
The reports can be made with L1 / R1 / middle mouse button and will show your companions the presence of enemies, armor, weapons or precious ammunition.
Thanks to this useful system, you can also report your goal, thus avoiding the division of the team and consequently an indecent defeat.
Only for Pro: Open the inventory with Options / Start / TAB, move the cursor on the weapon of your interest and press the button you use for the signal, in doing so you will indicate to your companions your need for ammunition, optics, etc. This system also works for armor, helmets and shields.
Don't overload yourself with material
As in most Battle Royals, Apex Legends will provide you with a huge amount of materials. Many of them you will be tempted to take, limit yourself to ammo, med kits and blue or purple armor.
The weapon upgrade system is generally simple, in fact if a viewfinder, an extended magazine is configured with your weapons, you will be notified immediately. It gets tricky when an addition doesn't apply to the weapon you currently have. Often you will ask yourself "Do I take it anyway?" if you don't know which weapon it applies to, we recommend that you leave it behind.
Run fast and put away your weapon
The excitement of the moment requires quick feet, so if you are chasing someone or not in danger, put the weapon back in the holster. How to do? Press Triangle, Y, 3 and you will notice that the speed of your legend will increase significantly.
Gliding south
It is quite difficult to abuse the slip on Apex Legends. As soon as you see an inclined surface and perform a powerslide, if you do everything correctly you will become very fast and very difficult to hit.
Also learn to aim and shoot while sliding, as well as being useful, it will make you particularly cool in the eyes of your teammates.
The supply ship will turn the arena into a bloodbath
During the game you will notice the arrival of a spacecraft, inside there are huge amounts of material and weapons, often of high level. If you arrive in the area, get ready for a bloody battle to grab the last item, then think according to the criterion "few, cursed and immediately".
Don't worry about falling damage
Apex Legends has eliminated one of the most common aspects of video games "the fall damage", you can fall from skyscrapers and cliffs and once on the ground your life points will not be affected. Convenient isn't it?
Pathfinder can help
If the cheerful robot is part of your team, you will know in advance where the next circle will be, which will give you an indispensable tactical advantage in games of this type.
Legendary weapons and where to find them
The Pods that will appear in the game almost always contain high-level materials. If you want to find the Mastiff Rifle or the Kraber Sniper Rifle, you will have to go hunting for Pods on the game map. Keep in mind that you won't be the only ones looking for them.
Legendary shields will help you revive yourself
You won't find them often throughout the game, but don't ask yourself if you find one nearby. Normal shields will give you some protection while waiting for some of your companions to help you. A legendary shield will allow you to return to battle at the push of a button and without the help of anyone.
We hope this guide will be useful in your future matches.
In the meantime, let us know if you are having fun on Apex Legends. We also inform you that the editorial team has opened a Group and a Facebook page dedicated to Respawn Entertainment's Battle Royale. Sign up, we are waiting for you.
Source: PCGamer.com