Let's go back to discover the Alola region one last time.
Funny how time flies sometimes: not even a year ago you could read our review of Pokémon Sun and Moon, and now it's time for the next title. Gone are the times when for one chapter and another, between one generation and the next, even two and a half years passed. Alola returns to show itself in two Ultra chapters: Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon.
It goes without saying that a lot of material introduced with the seventh generation has flowed into it: Ultra Beasts, Ultravarchs, only Goku's Ultra Instinct is missing. All interesting elements, which deserved a second chance. Because if you have played the titles of last year, you will know well how the plot left something incomplete in your hands.
Ultrasole and Ultralun Pokémon they come to solve the problem, a problem that after all we imagine was designed to be basically designed to be able to launch four versions of the same thing, with minimal variations, in the space of a year, and collect more. Never mind, money for Pokémon is always money well spent.
And in this round there is no exception that confirms the rule, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon they are worth the price of the ticket for a second ride. If only for the devastatingly significant amount of content. In a positive sense, of course.
Ah, but I've been here before
Let's talk clearly: Ultrasole and Ultralun Pokémon, at least until the last hours of the narration, they reproduce the same plot, the same situations, the same lines and the same characters. It is the same game, as even Nintendo has been keen to point out more than once, but with some changes, in such a way that it is placed in a universe parallel to the story told in Sun and Moon. Yes, the reasoning does not leave us particularly convinced, but this is the case.
So let's get ready to visit, for the second time, the well-known islands of the region, traveling between geographically very dissimilar environments, which include snow-capped mountains, volcanoes, grassy plains, the sea, valleys and prosperous cities. Along the way we will face the tests of the islands, which take the place of the classic gyms (this was already a novelty of the Sun and the Moon, we remember it). A trial dedicated to the Fairy type has been added, however.
So what's new in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon? First of all, Pokémon: many Pokémon in the paths that we have never been able to meet in previous titles. And then some characters and a completely new plot direction, which will arrive however much more in a there with the hours of play. Again, the legendaries: now the protagonist is Necrozma, no longer Solgaleo / Lunala depending on the version. The Pokémon wants to invade Alola and deprive it of its light, it comes from an Ultra Dimension where darkness dominates. But we haven't told you the beauty yet ...
The gathering of the shady guys
What Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have the most to offer comes after the League, with a large amount of additional content compared to previous episodes, finally allowing you to do more than the usual grinding and competitive. Even casual players will therefore be able to have fun with a storyline that continues, certainly offering some forced situations with a view to adventure, but still pleasant. Thematic episodes, similar to the Delta of the Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire remakes, will see the appearance of the Ultra Beasts one after the other, to go and capture by crossing their own Ultravarco.
The same mechanics will affect the Legendary Pokémon: those of all are present previous versions, for an impressive number that makes it Ulrasole and Ultraluna the title that contains the most pocket creatures ever. Naturally, adequately divided between the two versions, so as to favor local and online exchanges as always. For the Legendary Pokémon the same goes: Palkia, Dialga, Mewtwo and company will be faced by crossing the Ultravarchi, violating the laws of time and space. The important thing is that they become part of our team.
But the most successful "gimmick" of all is perhaps that of Rainbow Rocket. Aside from the fact that it is a fan service hit the size of a palace, it undoubtedly has its charm get a chance to take on the most famous villains of all episodes Pokémon series, one after another, to save the world. Giovanni, in fact, intends to take his revenge, conquering Alola and the whole world. We, as per program and script, will stop him.
Final Comment
Ultrasole and Ultralun Pokémon present a mass of content that justifies the "second round" for the seventh generation, while we wait for the eighth for Nintendo Switch. Those who have already bought the Sun and the Moon last year, however, should perhaps do the math more and adequately weigh their interest in the novelties proposed, the only ones that in this case enhance the purchase. Furthermore, the technical sector is as poor as the previous one: to have decent graphics and a stable frame rate it seems we will have to wait for the next episodes. Hopefully.