El sense of right and wrong of a person can be distorted when young. When posting photos and divulging personal information, people don't always have bad intentions. Unfortunately, too often they are the ones who take advantage of the innocence of others for inappropriate reasons, such as identity theft, harassment or sexual misconduct. Thanks to its popularity, this social network has a huge influence on the daily life of children and young people. They post content to gain social approval and recognition, and of course instant gratification, hence their popularity.
Indeed, social networks have generated more than one psychological disorder in thousands of people around the world, even leading to suicide in some of them in extreme cases. Therefore, it shouldn't be taken lightly, and it's important to always check the content you upload and if you have anything uploaded to your wall that might be causing any kind of problem, be able to unarchive said content before it is too late.
So that you are aware of the extent of the problem, some of the problems most frequent occurring in social networks are:
Delete posts forever
Delete from file
Remember that if you need to delete more than one publication you will have to repeat the steps with each of them.