How to tell if a Facebook profile is fake

How many times browsing on Facebook have you collided with a profile that you believed to be fake without being sure of it? Or you have received the friendship of a beautiful boy or beautiful girl with a dubious identity and you don't know whether to consider it a fake Facebook profile or not? Therefore how to tell if a Facebook profile is fake?

Creating fake profiles and therefore fake accounts on Facebook is very easy. These are real people who manage to manage many fake accounts linked together to simulate digital life. Many of these apply a real sort of digital stalking on Mark Zuckerberg's social network.


How to tell if a Facebook profile is fake

Given that before accepting the friendship of an unknown person on Facebook, one must always think twice about it, try to understand what pushes the profile that contacted you to want to be your friend. Then search on Google any profile pictures you think are fake. If the image is associated with a famous person or a site of dubious origin, rest assured that it is a fake profile.

To be sure you can try to contact the new profile via chat, after accepting his friendship. If after a few days from your message you will not receive any reply, it means that it is most likely a fake profile.

Another useful element to identify a fake profile are friendships in common. How did it come to your profile if you don't have mutual friends? If you do, you can always reach out to your friends and ask who they are. If, on the other hand, his friendships are not only local but from all over the world, it is very likely that it is a fake profile. Often the fake account has no local friends and uses photos of attractive girls to have many friends and get Likes on their Facebook pages and much more.

How to tell if a Facebook profile is fake

In addition to the photo and the analysis of friendships, you can also search for his name online. If their name is common, you can add other information such as age or origin to the search. It was tagged? Usually people on Facebook are tagged, if this profile has never been, some doubts leave it.

Another check you can do is how many photos he has and how many friends he has, if the photos are few and he has no friends, it is surely a fake profile. Furthermore, an empty bulletin board suggests that the profile in question does not have a social life and that everything is somewhat strange.

If you find yourself with what has been said so far you can: refuse the friend request or block the fake profile e report it to Facebook.

Also warn your friends who in turn have added the fake account: starting with your friends and then reaching you is one of the most common tactics of an online impostor.

To learn more, take a look at: Facebook and Privacy

Still haven't figured out if the profile that contacted you is fake?

How to tell if a Facebook profile is fake

you can try FbChecker, it is a program for Windows that can perform an automatic verification of the photos in the accounts of your friends on Facebook. All you have to do is install it, log in with the Social Network credentials and choose the profiles to be analyzed.

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How to tell if a Facebook profile is fake How to tell if a Facebook profile is fake
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