What are badges and how do they work?
Donations start at €0,90 and each follower can make up to 3 donations within the same stream.
There are the following levels of badges:
- One heart: $0,99
- Two Hearts: $1,99
- Three Hearts: $4,99
In fact, the function is still experimental and some creators from 11 different countries have been chosen (including me) to try this function in preview.

How badges are activated
To check if your profile is eligible for badges, you must first have a creator or business profile, as this function cannot be activated from personal profiles.
How to earn with badges
What are the challenges about?
The first is to conduct a live stream with the badges for at least 15 minutes within a week of activating the badges. For this challenge the remuneration is 100 dollars.
After the first challenge, you move on to the next level and the second challenge involves making a live broadcast with the badges for at least 30 minutes with another account within a month of the first challenge. For this challenge the remuneration is 150 dollars.
After passing the first two challenges, the third involves using the badges every week for the following 4 weeks. Upon completion of this the bonus is $250.

In fact, the proceeds from each badge will go directly to the creator's bank account.
Did you know about this new feature? What do you think?