Step 1. Download and install Social Email Extractor on your PC (Windows)
Here is the link from which you can download the free demo version of the program, compatible with all Windows systems.

From the button above you will download a file .zip. Unzip the zip on your computer and then in the folder look for and double click on the file .exe. The following main screen will open:
Step 2. Enter the desired search parameters
In the form that appears in the home of the program you can start entering the search parameters and precisely:
> Keyword/category (e.g. "personal trainer" or "pizzeria" or "fashion"...)
> Location (e.g. city) — optional field
> Search engine to use to find profiles with public email (Bing, Yahoo or Google)
Once these parameters have been entered, click on the SUBMIT button below and wait for the page with the search results to open
Step 3. Capture and extract email addresses
Last step is very simple: click on the button DATA CAPTURE. The program will automatically start extracting data from the search results and in particular will extrapolate the email addresses related to that search. As you can see in the following figure, the percentage of email addresses extracted is very high (more than 50% of the results will certainly contain an email address)
NB: The trial version of the program allows you to understand how it works by showing the first 35 results for each search. The "Export" function is disabled. To remove these limitations you need to purchase a license (valid for 1 year) which costs around €59 + VAT (purchase link)
How to treat "public" data captured by social networks?
However, no indications are given on how to process this data and no limits are set. However, it must be considered that the processing of these data, even if supported by a precise mitigating consent, may be illegitimate if, due to the methods in which the processing is carried out or the effects it produces, it causes social damage to the interested party . So it's okay to use this data but do it intelligently and without exaggerating with advertising that quickly becomes "spam".