Through a video released today to IGN colleagues, we have the opportunity to know more details about Destiny 2.
Bungie in particular in the video that you find at the bottom, shows the exploratory mechanics of the title, focusing on the planet Nessus, and then activating a public event. According to the developers, the experience with Court of Oryx e others PvE of the first chapter.
Bungie then focused on the mode in the video Adventures, the new secondary missions, which represent an evolution of the quests of The Taken King package, with a story entirely told by a narrator able to contextualize the events that the players are experiencing.
An even bigger version of Adventures is World Quests, that will take you on long journeys to unknown planets, a mode that will only be unlocked after the end game.
Lost Sectors is another all new mode in Destiny 2. The location of the "Lost sectors”Is highlighted by white graffiti on the wall scattered on the game map, but finding the entrance to them will be your task, not always so easy. Inside you will find enemies and a final boss fight that will give you access to some rewards
Another big news is represented by possibility to choose the landing point in the map. Not all landing zones will be available at the beginning but some will unlock over the course of the adventure.
I Flashpoints they are the equivalent of Nightlfalls, and will allow you to attend a public event in the open world on a specific planet. in order to earn specific rewards and face bosses otherwise impossible to meet elsewhere. In the same week as the Flashpoint, Cayde 6 will sell treasure maps for the destination chosen for the event of the week.
Nessus is just one of the 4 destinations available in Destiny 2, which we remember will arrive on September 6 for PS4 and Xbox One and October 24 for PC.