There is an app that allows you to send large files, up to 1 giga byte, to your friends through Facebook, it is called Facebook pipe.
Let's see how to use it: open the web page and enter your login credentials. After clicking on Ok the pipe window will open in the browser.
Click on a friend, from the list of Facebook users, drag the file you want to send to him green tube and choose one of the two options: Direct dispatch o Delayed sending.
In the first case, if the friend you want to send the file to also has active pipe it will be possible to send the file directly accompanying it, if you wish, with a text message.
In the second case, just click on the button send file to locker and pipe will notify your friend that there is a file for him.
download the file the recipient just needs to click on Accept if it has pipe active; if not, you will receive a file download notification from Facebook.
To download, click on the green tube icon located in the sidebar. Alternatively, you can download the file by clicking on the button depicting an arrow pointing down, or by clicking on Save as and choosing which folder on the PC to place it in.