Yours for some time PC no longer sees the burner and you don't know how to solve? You recently switched to Windows 10 and soon after you noticed that the notebook does not detect the DVD burner / player? What to do if Windows no longer detects the burner? The problem can be solved, but you definitely need to take five minutes of free time to read this article, as soon after Windows will return to detect CD / DVD burner or player.
To be able to resolve the fact that your notebook no longer sees the burner you must necessarily start the command prompt as administrator by going to Start> All Programs> Accessories and right click on the item Command Prompt and from the menu that appears select Run as administrator.
In case you are in possession of Windows 8 or higher use the search function, through the combination of keys Win + Q, or the button at the bottom right with the magnifying glass symbol, writing Command Prompt and clicking with the right mouse button and then selecting Run as administrator.
After starting the Prompt write the following command:
reg.exe add “HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesatapiController0” /f /v EnumDevice1 /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001 and press Submit.
Close the Prompt and restart your PC.
You can also create a file with the extension . Beat to be saved on the desktop and in which to enter the command and then launch it as Administrator at any time.
Another method could be to disable the Energy Saving feature. This method has allowed some users to have their DVD / CD optical drive restored. To do this you have to go up Control Panel> Power Management Options and in the advanced settings make sure that hard drives or other do not go into hibernation.
If none of the above solutions solved your problem, and you are still in the situation where the PC no longer sees the burner, I recommend that you try this other procedure.
Go to Control Panel> System> Hardware> Device Manager. Select the section IDE ATA-ATAPI controller and locate the voice Controller IDE. Click on it with the right mouse button and select the item Uninstall and restart your PC. Upon reboot, the operating system should reinstall the controller and fix the problem.
Or go in Control Panel> System> Hardware> Device Manager. In case your burner is highlighted with a yellow exclamation point. Do the following:
- Go to the menu Start> Run and type regedit, pressing Enter.
- In the Windows Registry that will appear, you will need to identify two keys to be deleted. Before proceeding, make a backup of the Windows Registry so that you can restore it at any time.
- Follow the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Class {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
- On the right side of the screen you should be Upper filters e Lower filters.
- Once found click on it with the right mouse button and press on Delete. Do the same operation even if you find only one of the two items.
- Restart Windows and wait for the operating system to find new hardware.
If you still haven't solved it, then the problem could be hardware. You must therefore make sure that the burner is well connected, so:
- Go to the Bios (when starting the PC, press the key F2, F10 o Canc and check that your burner is recognized as a player
- In case it is not recognized, check, if you have two readers, that one is on master and the other on slave with the same cable IDE. If, on the other hand, each has its own cable, put both readers on master.
- If that still doesn't work, unplug the player cable and try to leave only the burner on the master attached.
- Another test is to try replacing the cable connecting the reader or readers.
If the Bios recognizes the burner while Windows does not recognize it, carry out the steps described above.
To learn more you can take a look at this video in which he explains how to solve the case where the PC no longer sees the burner.