I can't do it, too many memories ...
Just as the good would say John of the legendary comic trio listening to “Luci a San Siro“. These collections take me back many years, even before I let out my first cry.
I gladly agreed to review these collections, as like any self-respecting player I am looking for challenges up to the task, what that many current games fail to deliver.
Apart from a few rare exceptions among which we can count Cuphead that after having made us suffer for a while, it arrived on our screens to end us definitively.
There is always a but ...
But after years of tutorial (as you rewards X o A to jump), rotate the right stick to move the camera or quick time events, I noticed that my ability to jump Pro Gamer they have sagged noticeably.
A bit like those footballers who, after hanging up their boots, become like cattle.
In short, "you will pull down the calendar" by quoting the Buffon of Own goal.
We are talking aboutit was video game gold, in fact the first episode came out on Nintendo Entertainment System, also said NESIn the distant 1987, from that moment on Blue Bomber has become a true icon of the platform. These collections will allow you to go as far as tenth episode which came out in 2010 (only 8 years ago).
I open a small parenthesis, the change of times has led to the consequent disappearance of the titles run 'n gun. Inafune, the historic creator of the blue android, however, tried to continue on this path with Mighty No. 9, a title that turned out to be quite disappointing.
Why buy it?
For this question alone I should send you grounded, but since I'm in a great mood, I'll tell you what this particular combo offers us.
Beyond the 10 chapters dedicated to the blue android, Capcom has well thought of introducing some peculiarities, such as:
- Museum mode containing the artwork;
- Museum mode dedicated to soundtracks that will accompany your curses;
- Remix challenges with online leaderboards.
True, they are not great additions, but they will help young and old to rediscover the historic masterpiece of the Japanese house, peeking from behind the scenes.
In addition, an interesting and very useful addition should be listed if you want to complete the adventures of Mega Man and if you haven't destroyed TVs and consoles, I'm talking about Time Save (only one per game), trust me, will be essential in certain cases of mystical hysterical crises.
For newbies.
For those who have never faced the adventures of the Blue Bomber and they have the ardor to try, first of all they go my best compliments ed my full support.
In secundis you will have to arm yourself with a lot of patience, because yes it is a period title, so forget all the innovations of the last 20 years such as "shoot diagonally".
In fact, if you are really new to the genre, you will find yourself in difficulty from the first minutes and if you are good enough to get up to Boss, I assure you 100% that you will die many and many times.
You know the frustration you feel when you die ten times in the same spot in various places Souls? Here, that is only a small part of what you will feel.
Simple, but not super simple.
The first six chapters covering the era of NES e SNES they will be short, but damn intense, as longevity was sacrificed on the altar of increasing difficulty.
After facing and cursing against the Bosses of the first collection, you will realize passing to the second that the adventures of the blue android seems to simplify, in part it is true, but always keep in mind the taboo of "shoot diagonally" however, the powers you gain along the way will make things a little easier for you.
Study, study, study ...
As in the above Souls, also here you will have to understand i pattern, not just gods enemies, but also gods bullets that they will launch at you, in fact you will understand after enough deaths that to avoid that particular bullet of that particular enemy you will have to dodge it at that precise point.
When you come to this level of knowledge, you can compare yourself to Goku Ultra Instinct, from that moment on, you will be real gods.
The 90s have been gone for a while now.
Fortunately Capcom she remembered that the Years' 90, albeit magnificent, have passed a while, so the Japanese software house has converted the games in question very well, allowing you to customize the screens ... in case you do not have a DeLorean in the garage.
Same Capcom he also cleverly added the customization of the key mapping, in short, they give you a kiss on the cheek and then tell you "Welcome to Mega Man Noob!"
The return of the Blue Bomber with its eleventh episode, the release is scheduled for 2 October next, along with this important announcement, the Japanese company has also announced a Amiibo to Nintendo Switch.
At the bottom you can admire the teaser trailer of what promises to be a huge return to a new generation of consoles, how will it fare?
From the video I say it will keep us hours and hours a sweat the proverbial seven shirts or maybe a few more.
- - These are titles that have made history
- - Good optimization
- - Welcome to add challenges
- - High challenge level ...
- - ... too much
- - Old age makes itself felt