FIFA 23 is available in early access on PC and consoles, in these hours there are hundreds of thousands of players who are trying out the new FIFA and this could be reflected in the correct functioning of the servers and online infrastructure. FIFA 23 not working? Here's how to check it!
How to tell if the FIFA servers are offline or if there are ongoing maintenance operations? It's very simple, just go to the EA Help site where the company offers technical support by reporting any FIFA 23 downs from time to time, the same announcements could also appear on the official FIFA Twitter profile, especially in the event of important technical problems.
But it may not be the servers of your platform that work and in this case playing FIFA 23 would be impossible. From the PSN Services Status page you can check the status of the PlayStation Network servers while the Xbox LIVE Status page will allow you to understand if the Microsoft servers are operational or not, while from the Nintendo website you can check the status of the online infrastructure on Nintendo Switch . What if EA Play is not working? We refer you to the reference page Server Update EA Play with all the updates.
If you want to know more about the new EA Sports football game, please refer to the FIFA 23 review available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, Nintendo Switch and Google Stadia.