Welcome to SoulTricks, your source for information about Pokémon Go. In this article, we will teach you how to calculate and evaluate the IVs (Individual Values) of Pokémon in the game, as well as identify the strongest Pokémon and learn how to train them properly. We will also explain what IVs are, how to calculate them and how they affect competitive play. Read on to become a Pokémon master!
What are IVs?
Before delving into how to calculate and evaluate Pokémon IVs, it's important to understand what they are. IVs, or Individual Values, are hidden statistics that determine a Pokémon's strength and potential. Each Pokémon has unique IVs for its main attributes: Attack, Defense and Health. These values can vary from 0 to 15, with 15 being the maximum value. The higher a Pokémon's IVs, the stronger it will be in battle.
How to calculate the IV of a Pokémon?
There are several ways to calculate a Pokémon's IVs in Pokémon Go. One of the most common ways is by using specialized applications and websites. These tools allow you to enter your Pokémon's data, such as its species, CP (Battle Points) level, and the values of its main attributes. From this information, the tool will calculate the possible IVs of your Pokémon and show you the results.
Another way to calculate IVs is by using the leader evaluation method. In the game, team leaders will give you clues about your Pokémon's IVs after evaluating it. Pay attention to the phrases they use, as they will give you an idea of how good your Pokémon's IVs are compared to others.
How to evaluate a Pokémon's IVs?
Once you have calculated your Pokémon's IVs, it is important to evaluate them to determine their quality. There are different levels of IV quality, ranging from very bad to perfect. To evaluate your Pokémon's IVs, you must take into account the values of its main attributes and compare them with the maximum possible values. The closer your main attribute values are to 15, the better the quality of your Pokémon's IVs.
In addition to the main attribute values, you should also consider your Pokémon's CP level. A Pokémon with high IVs and a high CP level will be stronger in battle than one with low IVs and a low CP level. Therefore, it is important to take both IVs and CP level into account when evaluating the quality of your Pokémon.
The strongest Pokémon and how to train them properly
Now that you know how to calculate and evaluate your Pokémon's IVs, it's time to identify the strongest Pokémon and learn how to train them properly. The strongest Pokémon are those with high IVs in their main attributes and a high CP level. These Pokémon will be your best allies in battles and gyms.
To properly train your strongest Pokémon, you must take several factors into account. First, make sure your Pokémon are at the highest possible level. This is achieved by feeding them candy and stardust to increase their CP level. Plus, use berries and special items to improve your Pokémon's stats during battles.
It is also important to consider the movements of your Pokémon. Some moves are more effective than others in different situations. Make sure your Pokémon have moves that complement each other and are effective against the types of Pokémon you'll face in battles.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can I improve the IVs of my Pokémon?
It is not possible to directly upgrade your Pokémon's IVs in Pokémon Go. IVs are determined randomly when you catch or hatch a Pokémon and cannot be changed. However, you can increase the CP level of your Pokémon by using candies and stardust, which will make them stronger in battle.
2. Do IVs affect competitive play?
Yes, IVs have a significant impact on competitive Pokémon Go play. Pokémon with high IVs in their main attributes and a high CP level will be stronger in battles and gyms. If you want to be successful in competitive play, it's important to keep IVs in mind when building your team and training your Pokémon.
In short, IVs are hidden stats that determine a Pokémon's strength and potential in Pokémon Go. Calculating and evaluating the IVs of your Pokémon will help you identify the strongest ones and train them properly. Remember to use specialized tools or the leader evaluation method to calculate IVs, and consider both the values of the main attributes and the CP level when evaluating their quality. Train your strongest Pokémon, choose the right moves, and prepare to dominate competitive play. Until next time!