The world of Assassin's Creed Valhalla is full of things to do, one of them being fishing. Obviously, if you dedicate your time to the noble activity of fishing you will be rewarded, in fact, once you have found all 19 fish, you will receive the trophy / achievement "It was this big!".
You can keep track of all your catch by checking your bag in the Inventory menu. So, search among the resalable goods and you will see that the first visible objects are the fish.
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Before starting, you will need to build a Fishing Shack at your camp. Once this is done, a fishing rod will appear inside your inventory wheel. Whenever you approach a body of water (lake, pond, river, sea), you can equip it by pressing the (Down) button on your D-Pad and choose it with the right analog.
Once extracted, press R2 / RT to hook the prey and use the left stick to bring it towards you. In case the line turns red, release R2 / RT and the left stick until the red flash disappears, otherwise, you may lose your prey.
In order to unlock the trophy / objective in question you will have to use the fishing rod, arrows and explosives will not be counted.
Here are some tricks on how to fish efficiently:
- You will find much more fish where the waters get deeper. Therefore, we recommend that you take a small boat and start your fishing activity. If you do not find any small boats, you can also try your luck from the shore;
- Using the Eye of Odin, you can see how many fish are in the water. Furthermore, this very useful "power" is particularly useful when a fish approaches;
- In case you do not see any fish in the area, use Meditation to make the other fish "respawn";
- Use the quick trip from time to time to reveal different types of fish.
Fish in England
sea bream
You can find this fish on the coasts of Cent, Essex, Suthsexe and Hamtunscire.

Brown trout
This particular fish can only be found in the rivers of Ledecestrescire, Sciropescire, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, GLowecestrescire and Snotingehamscire.

This fish can also be found in the river channels of Ledecestrescire, Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Oxenfordscire, Sciropescire, Essexe, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, Glowecestrescire, Snotingehamscire.

This freshwater fish species, also known by the name Lota Lota, which will allow you to advance in your objective in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, can be found in the rivers of Cent, Sciropescire, Suthsexe, Glowecestrescire, Hamtunscire.

This greedy fish can be found off the coasts of East Anglia, Cent and Essexe.

This particularly slippery fish is found on the coasts of Cent, Essexe, Suthsexe and Hamtunscire.

Gray Trout
Let's go back to talking about river fish, this particular type of fish in the rivers of the Cent, Essexe, Suthsexe and Hamtunscire.

This fish, also known as the donkey, is a saltwater fish with very tasty meats and is not very dissimilar to cod. You can find it on the coasts of Lincolscire, East Anglia and Eurvicscire.

We are talking about one of the most nutritious fish that the sea can offer, and you can find it at the coasts of Grantebridescire, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire and East Anglia.

Yes, you read that right, despite the name that suggests ancient Persia, it is possible to fish this fish also in English territory, specifically at the rivers of Ledecestrescire, Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Oxenefordscire, Sciropescire, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire and Snotingehamscire.

Yellow cod
This variety of the well-known fish is available from the Lincolnscire, Snothinghamscire and Eurvicscire rivers.

The prized Northern Sea Pinkfish can be caught by the fearless Eivor in the Snotinghamscire, Eurivicscire and Lincolnscire rivers.

Get the trophy / achievement "It was this big!" in Assassin's Creed Valhalla will also take you to know numerous fish species unknown to many, this one in particular hides near the coasts of Grantebridgescire, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire and East Anglia.

The peculiar fish whose eggs are luxury goods can be caught in the rivers and seas of Cent, Suthsexe and Hamtunscire.

Fish in Norway
Arctic char
This refined relative of salmon, known for its amazing taste, can be fished in the seas of Rygjafylke and Hordafylke.

As in the case of the char, this fish also lives in the freezing waters of Rygjafylke and Hordafylke.

As you will have understood, the seas around Rygjafylke and Hordafylke are particularly rich in fish, so much so that you can catch this important blue fish.

We are certainly talking about one of the ugliest fish in these areas, but if you want to complete Assassin's Creed Valhalla and get the relative trophy, we recommend that you take the boat and head to the seas of Rygjafylke and Hordafylke.

And here we are at the end, we have shown you where to find the 19 species of fish present in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Let us know in the comments if you have already found any or if you are still on the high seas. Either way, we hope this guide will help you find your inner Sampei.